Soulthirst: Molten Strike edition!

(3.5) Soulthirst Moltenstriker! | (f ì_í)=f°:。°:。° | 45+ second Soul Eater!


The main focus of this build is to use and abuse the unique belt Soulthirst to get a 45+ second soul eater buff and destroy maps. I am not the first person to come up with a build with the Soulthirst belt, but I do feel that build is the best in the post stat-stick nerf meta.

basic combo


why not use X skill?
molten strike is what I find to be the best because the crazy life gained on hit makes up for the inaccessibility of life flasks

specific skills

Consecrated Path
consecrated path feels bad because of the speed at which this build moves (when you hit 20 attacks per second teleporting around makes your character impossible to follow or control)

Tectonic Slam
tectonic slam is the most viable of all the suggested alternate skills, if a person wanted to swap MS to tectonic slam they would want to: swap off grelwood shank to a high pDPS axe in the offhand, get out of Fury Bolts, Elemental Overload, Iron Grip, and Point Blank on the tree and swap to the axe physical damage nodes along the tree (especially Slaughter, Ambidexterity, and perhaps Splitting Strikes) and the Dervish node in the Duelist start

Flicker strike
basically the same issues as consecrated path except even harder to control where you're going, also, you're going to have a hard time figuring out frenzy charge generation on the gear.

boils down to: RIP stat sticking
stat sticking carried the hell out of this build when it relied on sunder and phys damage but sadly the nerfing of stat sticks has killed all phys versions of this build.

why not just use Zerphi's Heart
Soulthirst: 1c
Zerphi's Heart: 6315c (2/28/2019)

why not Alchemist?
This build does not path to Alchemist on the tree because it takes far too many point for only 10% flask duration, I would sooner path to the Whispers of Doom wheel for the curse effect

Pros and Cons
- can be built extremely budget friendly to start off
- can level as any regular jugg, swapping into Soulthirst later on
- very fast mapper
- lots of defenses (7x endurance charges, lots of life & Loreweave)
- can be extremely intense to play, not really casual playstyle
- endgame items can be very expensive
- you can lose soul eater stacks if you stop to pick up items
- the tree is not something I would recommend leveling with and thus should probably be swapped into later on (regret orbs)
- tree has a lot of pathing so it's not recommended to swap until lvl ~90

Tree and Path of Building

I recommend leveling the build as a typical molten strike Jugg, however following the tree can be extremely painful and thus I recommend leveling with RobakoGarena's MS Jugg and redoing the tree later on

Ascendancy Points

1. Unstoppable
2. Undeniable
3. Unflinching
4. Unrelenting

Kill them all! This build is very choked for points as we have to travel from Elemental Overload to Druidic Rite to complete the tree

Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Gruthkul for the survivability


Body Armor

if you decide to go with Kaom's Heart, move your molten strike setup to an eldered helmet with "socketed gems are supported by level 16-20 Combustion" and "socketed gems are supported by level 16-20 concentrated effect" with life and resistances (also, the essence mod "socketed gems deal 30% more elemental damage" is a really good mod), that will function as your 6 link.

If you decide to go with a loreweave (like me), keep your 6 link in your body armor and use a Devoto's Devotion in your helmet slot.

Weapon Options

I personally opt for the highest base attack speed possible because the #% increased attack speed you get from Soul Eater directly scales off of that.

check the enchantments and corruptions section for what to corrupt with

Amulet Options

Solstice Vigil is insane because it gives 50% increased duration of our Soul Eater, absolute BiS and basically mandatory to make the build feel great

Ring Options

unlike other molten strike builds this variation can not use Thief's Torment because the mana gained on hit would instantly end the mana flask, that said, the next best option is to fill out your res here and to get rare rings with (in order of importance): res/life/fire damage to attacks/WED/int

Boot Options
or rare boots with res and life
if you decide to go with Kaom's Roots you get to cut Unstoppable for Unyielding
check the enchantments and corruptions section for what to corrupt with



When mapping, chug the the flasks to get a jump start on the mobs and then refresh your soul eater with the mana flask
When bossing, use all your flasks as usual
(only the mana flask is mandatory! for weeks I ran with only that one flask)



I recommend this mix of jewels because it provides good life gained on hit, while balancing it with the insane damage boost that you get from abyssal jewels.

check the enchantments and corruptions section for what to corrupt

Enchantments & Corruptions

best in slot corruptions/enchantments are bolded, next best options are in normal font

Soul Taker: 10-15% chance to fortify on melee hit (cheaper than on a grelwood), 10-15% chance to gain onslaught for 4 seconds on kill, 15-20% increased area of effect, 5-7% increased attack speed

Grelwood Shank: 10-15% chance to fortify on melee hit (way more expensive than onslaught on kill), 10-15% chance to gain onslaught for 4 seconds on kill, 15-20% increased area of effect, 5-7% increased attack speed

Boots: either enchant with adds 45 to 68 fire damage if you've killed recently, 16% increased attack speed if you've killed recently, damage penetrates 10% elemental resistances if you haven't killed recently, or corrupt for +1 to maximum endurance charges, 4-6% increased maximum life, 8-10% increased attack speed

Shackles of the Wretched: Enchant with the enchantment of your preference or corrupt for +1 to maximum frenzy charges, 4-6% increased maximum life, or curse enemies with level 10-12 elemental weakness/enfeeble on hit if you can squeeze in +1 curse somewhere

Soulthirst: 15-20% increased anger aura effect, 6-8% increased maximum life, 8-12% increased attack speed during any flask effect, 8-10% increased area of effect

Helmet: +2 molten strike projectiles (lots of damage) or 30% increased temporal chains effect (longer soul eater)

Jewel: cannot be inflicted with corrupting blood, you cannot be maimed, you cannot be hindered

Amulet: I personally choose to not corrupt my amulet, but, amulets do have the most valuable corruptions possible, so in no particular order: Enemies can have 1 additional curse (worth over a mirror), 8-10% increased attack speed, +1 to all maximum resistances (only if using Kaom's Heart, also mega valuable), 20-24% increased elemental damage with attack skills, and anger has 15-20% increased aura effect

Gem Setups
Chest: Molten Strike + Elemental Damage with Attacks Support + Concentrated Effect Support + Multistrike Support + Ancestral Call Support + Elemental Focus Support

Shackles: Leap Slam + Faster Attacks Support + Curse on Hit Support + Temporal Chains
(make sure to get 20 quality on curse on hit support for curse effect)

4 Link Somewhere: Ancestral Protector + Combustion Support + Concentrated Effect Support + Elemental Damage with Attack Support

3 Link Somewhere: Blood Rage + Increased Duration Support + Enhance Support
(make sure to get 20 quality on Blood Rage for the attack speed)

3 Link Somewhere: Anger + Herald of Ash + Vaal Breach (optional, for bosses)

Last edited by Burritor on Mar 4, 2019, 12:18:10 AM
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2019, 10:34:08 PM
nice guide mate

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