360 eDps Crit Thicket Bow 6L

found this bow these days, hope to get some awards as I'm not really sure how much its worth momentarily...
"es wird zeit, dass ich die welt von ihrem laster und dem makel meines seins befreie." sprach er und zog von dannen, in der hoffnung ewige erlösung durch seinen baldigen tod zu erfahren.

ign: Hans_die_Wurst
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2019, 4:45:52 PM
i don't play many bow builds but what i can see here is that it does not have +bow skills , making it less useful for elehit which would be the one i think of first.

add to this that betrayal came out with ways to craft many solid pdps bows and this puts downward pressure on the price this bow would of fetched.

I would price it at 2 to 3 ex , as it is a solid intermediate bow that shouldn't break the bank.

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