Armageddon Brand Zerker, i kid you not.

Hello and Welcome!

Thanks to my mate swoth for annoying me enough to do this build.

The character based on this build is warcry_zerker and can be seen in my characters tab. His gear is mediocre but this late in the league and more at home with playing around than minmaxing my toons, sorry :)

This is a berserker build that deals damage with Armageddon brand. To keep himself alive he has a decent lifepool and uses warcries as well as leech and reg. Be warned, this build is not really cheap. Kaoms heart and an elder helmet with immolation support and conc effect are mandatory. Warlords mark ring is also am must, but can be substituted with Blasphemy and curse.


Decent clearspeed and thanks to brand gameplay good at moving defensively without losing dps.
25% instant life+mana flask every 1.25 seconds.
good reg thanks to enduring cry even when having 50 rage and bloodrage active
No problem doing no leech maps, or no reg maps
Boss dps is fine even with crap gear.


can't do ele reflect
It's zerker so sometimes onehits are a thing even with 8k+ hp and fortify up, definitely not a hardcore build




If you get minion damage there it would be nice (best before lab enchant would be a bone helmet but there are not that cheap :/)

The rest is free. But try to get ele as extra chaos etc on amulet/weapon/shield


Enduring Cry + rallying cry + inc duration (ralling is up for 25 secs, enduring for 3!)

Brand recall + arcane surge = pewpew

Armageddon Brand + controlled destruction + Combustion + faster casting(or Empower4 if you have it)

Auras: Anger/herald of ash/Vitality


Mayor Soul: Alkaarli, we use blood rage and cwdt + immortal call
Minor: Take what you like
Bandits: kill all


Ascendencies(and why):

Warbringer (main Def and source of rage)
Aspect of Carnage (logical dps)

Painreaver and cloaked in savagery (I took them because rite to ruin path only gives us 10% movement speed and a hefty degen. the survivability boost and little dps boost is better)
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Last edited by tsunamikun on Feb 6, 2019, 7:14:18 AM
Last bumped on Feb 6, 2019, 7:10:20 AM

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