Show off your Magic find build!


I would like to see interesting MF (IIQ/IIR) builds that the community have created. Any league, just with the purpose of finding as much loot as possible. Bonus for non-tornado shot rangers but something unique.

Here's my current build, Lowlife Poet's Pen Arc Occultist

81% Item quantity. 8k ES

I've also found this guy on who seems to play a cyclone agony crawler CI occultist magicfinder:
Last bumped on Mar 26, 2019, 6:15:39 PM
just wanted to say that i really hoped more people would post their "unusual" mf builds, i really enjoy a break from it haha. Like your setup and wow didnt know greedtrap even exists but sry, i can just post a sc windripper mf setup so gl farming mate
Well since noone else is posting, here's my MF build, yeah TS but still my fave

Usually just running a stygian but sometimes the Perandus

126 IIQ /142 IIR with stygian

Bow was a sweet drop from a week or so ago, crafted the quiver as well with WED essence. Helm was a drop and lucky enchant! ALL jewels were self-crafted most using alt/aug/regal (watcher's was a trade).

Last edited by faustian1 on Feb 1, 2019, 10:53:48 PM
Cool build, it's different from a regular windripper you see all over leagues!

I remember there being a thread similar to this years ago so I figured it could be fun to add a new one

When league ends I am thinking of making a magicfinder in standard with some neat legacy quantity stuff. Am thinking either a minion build or something like ele hit
Finally decided to slam the bow and think I did well (T1 flat cold)

Not a pure MF build but with 91% Quantity and 147% rarity I am more than happy
with being able do kill Uber Elder deathless in about 3 minutes.
Could squeeze in 20% more quant on the boot slot if I wanted, but giving up that movespeed just isn't worth it. I havent really tried to make this a MF build, just slapped on some old quant gear I had lying around and since CoC Ice Nova has such absurd amounts of damage it went perfectly well.

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Last edited by Dkodr on Mar 25, 2019, 6:54:18 AM
keep it going, this thread needs more showcases

standard legacy ts mf char

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