[MonTon] BUDGET J U G G Tectonic Slam // Around 1mm Shaper DPS

Hi Guys,

It's MonTon here!!

I have never written a guide before because all my builds were pretty bad (not saying this one is greatest build) in the past and didn't feel the need to share it. Also I would usually follow some other famous streamer's build and end up failing due to lack of currency.......

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one like this

Most of us have day jobs and so only get to play a bit at night or on weekends... so we are very limited

So this is for the ones those who have limited amounts of currency and time!!!

Main Items
So this build relies on weapons called Nebuloch which increases your dmg / def when you have endurance charges

These are quite cheap around 10~15c each

One downside is you will have degen if you get hit so just be mindful of this

Kaom's Way rings are good for this build as it increases your maximum number of endurance charges but it's quite difficult to stack life and resistances. I had these in the beginning but threw them away eventually

These are quite expensive for my standards around 50c each

We also use abyssus as a source of our dps buff and although it has increase phy dmg taken, it work with J U G G cuz we are T H I C C

Also very cheap around 1c

Full Gear


This is my current gear and it's not the greatest out there

For the chest piece, bought some cards that give you 6link chest and delve crafted myself - cost me only around 30c max?

Only thing expensive (at least to my standards) are belt and boots. You won't need a fire dmg stygian vise but it will be great if you have the leech enchant in your boots because it's quite difficult to sustain mana.

Flasks - All the flasks are less than 5c each so should be affordable

Jewels - This took me a long time because we are on a limited budget

You can use the below links to find the jewels I used

Most of the ones I have are 5c and couple that are around 10c


POB Pastebin


There are other variations to this, using swords like Oni-Goroshi which will give you much bigger DPS but as you know it's very expensive around 1ex or more

I am still in progress of finishing the maps (currently doing T14) using Nebuloch and I'm not having such a difficult time at the moment. I'm quite lazy and I usually try to facetank so I die from time to time but if you are a bit more careful than me, you shouldn't have to worry!

The overall build cost around 1ex to build (less than 200c I think) and it shouldn't be so difficult for you too!

Hope this build helps for those with limited resources!!!

I stream from time to time and you can come and chill with me on:

See you there!

Last edited by lovelygom on Jan 30, 2019, 12:46:35 AM
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2019, 12:08:45 AM

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