WTB - DW Sword w/ Specific Stats


As of Betrayal my Southpaw Reave DW Ranger no longer works due to the Death's Hand stat stick, I'm after a sword to dual wield with my current sword so I can continue to use my build successfully.

Below are my current items that I use on my build:

Obviously, I need to replace Death's Hand as it causes Reave to no longer be usable, anything with similar stats to Death's Hand that allows me to use this build again would be much appreciated.

I'm hoping for something with stats similar to Death's Hand.

If there is anything else I need to know to continue using this really fun build then let me know, build is based on (but not a direct copy of) the Southpaw Reave build that ZiggyD created in 2015, see (out of date) details here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q4nD7P5GJac3t4bgWRdtdikz2uz-7OxJfmxqdFM3ZKE/edit?pageId=110288343427078705205#gid=0
Last edited by Razor792 on Dec 29, 2018, 8:37:46 AM
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2018, 8:26:09 AM

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