Need Improvement suggestions on a Oni-goro Wild strke & molten Strike Chieftain

I based this off of a scion build that used wildstrike for mobs and molten strike for single target. Since the wildstrike gems went from 2 to 1. I switched them for 3x Grand spectrum. Helm could be switched out for a 2 socket abyssal rare or a starkonja's for the extra molten damage.

This build could also switch to Jugg if someone wishes to have more armor or LL but I believe the chieftain is the best choice for this setup
Path of building is showing:

Wildstrike Dps: 822k w flask/ 521k without
molten strike: 775k melee /491k without
100% chance to hit
6.5k life
3800 LL
7k armor
74% Phy. Dmg Dr w flask/ 49% without
Fire res: 82% w flask/ 76% without
Ice: 75% / 72% without
Lightning: 75% / 72% without

Anyways since I can't play this build until my shoulder heals and test it, I was hoping someone with more knowledge might be able to help refine it

Last bumped on Dec 6, 2018, 9:07:12 AM

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