How does this build look? 2h Cleave Axe/Bleed

Started playing a couple weeks ago, just messing with certain styles across the "classes" and I'm really leaning towards marauder or duelist. I like the idea of 2h cleave/bleed with axes.

Here's what I came up with to start the league with (4 points left over, can use for +60 dex to meet axe req if needed):

What do you think? Haven't included ascendancy, but leaning towards Juggernaut.

Or is 1h/dw much more popular?

Go easy ... new player here.

Last bumped on Nov 30, 2018, 12:08:18 PM
Hi and welcome.

I would recommend you to pick a well written build and learn more about mechanics of POE.

Current tree need to be tweaked if you want to stay alive:
-You picked BLOOD MAGIC > now you don't have mana! > attack consume LIFE instead. No MANA no buffs like herald/hatred! or i will reserve life instead op mana > even less live = death
-Life leech is to low.
-Life pool is to low. (lvl 70 ~2-3k)
-Accuracy way too low for crit build as well as crit chance.

Anyhow good luck!

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