Unstoppable and armor movement speed penalty

Looked for this, and found lots of information about tarred ground, etc., but none about the effects of heavy armor on juggernauts with the Unstoppable passive. Does it ignore the movement speed reduction or not? Thanks!
Last bumped on Nov 16, 2018, 6:34:21 AM
No, unstoppable just make your lowest movement speed to be always 100%, so it doesn't truly negate any movement speed reduction (aka Brass Dome, Iron Fortress, Queen of the Forest etc) on Body Armour.

Art of Gladiator node under Duelist area will help to negate the hidden 3% movement speed penalty on all body armour though.
Last edited by RobakoGarena on Nov 15, 2018, 10:03:45 PM
Thanks a lot. Now that I think about it, I guess I could have just tested this out by equipping and unequipping some armor, lol. But this saves me a bit of work. Thanks again!

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