Pure ele moltenstrike gear dump + notes

I'm just dumping gear and posting a few notes

-pob if you just want to look fast (note that pob doesnt calculate multistrikes attack speed for the projectile part of ms)


-I'm still kinda working on getting jewels with life but also dont play much right now

-Can use a different skill for clearing but from what I've tested, frost blades works best although lightning strike in open layouts is really nice

-A claw would be a bit better, gives more lgoh (doesn't affect standard but in league it'll be a huge difference) and the passives are a bit more efficient, I just already had this sword in a dump tab when looking around for items (I ripped the final suffix FeelsBadMan)

-5.6k life atm, with life on all my jewels it should be atleast 6k

-10 projectiles (3 base, 3 enchant, 4 jewels), triple balanced wise oak

-I'm gonna get another jewel with all res because currently only 64 without wise oak active

-The last flask can be whatever, and can swap the silver and stibnite for a base of your personal preference

-Amulet will eventually be replaced and I'll drop the crafted fire/cold res off the opal ring but atm this is what I had that balanced res. A life/wed/multi/ias ammy is much better

-Belt can also be a normal stygian (probably better all around, especially if you still need res), I just don't feel the need to get one because all I'd really look for is life and wed. However, I do plan to put life jewels in my current to bring hp total up a bit

-Most of the damage is lightning, anger is just there for the bonus crit multi from watchers. Can use a herald or purity or whatever if you want/need

-Glove enchant does seem to chill bosses, I don't tick it though because I plan to swap amulet

-Blood rage links can be swapped for whatever else, I just don't have anything else I want

-Tree has a lot of room for more life % - Rest of scion wheel could be taken, extra 4-5% nodes in the other clusters - Drop damage nodes as needed

-Mana problems can be solved with a mana gained on hit jewel, but leg. acuity saves me there

-Doing deadeye atm, I feel like its the strongest class, especially if you want to try something like this in league (it gives more lgoh)

*Asc. nodes are: Gathering Winds / Rupture / Powerful Precision / Fast and Deadly

**Can try out the extra chain for mapping a bit faster or extra projectile as well because the last 2 asc. noteables arent doing a lot

edit* Just got 1 Jewel with life

Last edited by BadBuild on Sep 23, 2018, 6:31:18 PM
Last bumped on Oct 9, 2018, 3:10:40 PM
pfft not even a 3K ex build .....
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
philophil wrote:
pfft not even a 3K ex build .....

oops didnt have notifications on, and yeah sadly I don't have enough alt arts :(

update: hit IAS on my claw, with a bonus of some global penetration; now I need to get some ele claw jewels so dps is a bit lower vs the sword, but hp is up quite a lot (dropped the leech nodes for more hp bc claws get dps and leech from same cluster)
-Really need atleast one with all res, currently ~50 without wise oak

new POB - https://pastebin.com/jHkf3C82

New Gear

Last edited by BadBuild on Oct 9, 2018, 12:47:19 PM
GG claw nice craft
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens

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