Why did my FilterBlade Loot Filter Show this Bow?

Cruising through a Tier 6 map, and Bam! Crude Bow shows up through the item Filter. I'm using a pretty much default Filterblade setup, with the only whites showing being the crafting bases from 68+

Hiccup? Or did I miss something?
Last bumped on Sep 1, 2018, 1:41:42 AM
there were times when many casters considered bow+ quiver as the best weapons for them. They used a +lvl bows and most times soul strike quiver for the es recharge. However these times are gone, but some ppl still use a variant of this weapon combination. So yes, its a crafting base. And its crude bow because of its dextery requirements its the easyest bow base`? to get offcolors on.
I looked over on trade, and found some very interesting bows that have been listing for 6-9 months, that I'm assuming fit that model. 5 and 6 link, heavily off colour, with +3 total Level of Gems for certain elements (+1, and +2), and broad modifiers.

It's an interesting way to go about doing it, I'm assuming that in the intervening time, GGG has improved the caster weapons to make this not an issue? (+3 to gems would be freaking awesome)
It's not only for spellcasters, but also things like Caustic Arrow and Explosive Arrow which can benefit a lot from having a lot of off-colours, benefit greatly from +x to gem levels, and most importantly don't rely on the base damage of the bow itself.
Last edited by AznR4ge on Sep 1, 2018, 1:41:58 AM

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