3800ms Frame Time when opening stash or vendors in standard league

game freezes for up to 4 seconds when using the stash and also when switching to some tabs in the stash, most notable on currency and map tabs, and when opening a vendor trade window.

I have a lot of tabs and my computer is old, but surely there must be some way this can be optimized?

screenshot of frame time:
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2018, 12:47:27 PM
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I have almost the same issue. Every time I touch the stash, the game freezes for at least 1 second (you can see the latency spike). As a side note, I have dynamic resolution enabled and the screen blurs during the freeze.

I got no freeze when opening a trade window.

Pretty sure it's due the amount of tabs.

Is there a way to optimize/fix this? I hope so.

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