Standart Giveaway Items

Hey Exiles,

since i don't play standard i want to give away all my stuff.

Just post good jokes here ( poe related jokes, memes, whatever)

Write down your joke, meme.

Also add you ign and desired Items. I will contact you then if i like your meme, joke :)

Item for the giveaway in the Spoiler


Not that special mostly 5 links and corrupted stuff
Rise of the Phoenix and Pyre are legacy variants
Last edited by Kraxler on Aug 24, 2018, 3:59:21 PM
Last bumped on Oct 8, 2018, 1:00:07 PM
Why don't blind people skydive?
It scares the hell out of their dogs.

I'd be interested in the Watchers eye, xophs blood, or the exalt if they're still available. Thanks!!!

IGN: Quant_Is_Still_Viable
Timmy's FREE Crafting/Carries [Standard]: 2123458
#1 ES Regalias Mirror Service [Standard]: 2489414
^^ New home of Sorrow Circle IIQ ring! ^^
Alt Art Fossil Service [Standard]: 2332551
IGN: Quant_Is_Still_Viable || Hotdogs_Are_Sandwiches
Last edited by TimmyNBTrevor on Aug 24, 2018, 8:19:41 PM
Why are there monsters named trolls in the game?
Because they only spawn in the forums.
(I actually heard this one someplace else)

Why do Shadows make the best trackers?
Because the Shadow Nose.
(I know, puns are the lowest form of humor)

btw: ign is Runner_bt, and everything you have is much more than my stuff, so if you like, I can take anything you have leftover after others take their stuff
I have a lot of jokes, but heres a POE themed one that I saw earlier that gave me a chuckle.

Where do Marauders go shopping?
The Karui Maul

Interested in the Watcher's eye, Queen of the forest, Shroud, Kaoms. xoph's blood or any of the golem jewels to optimize any of my builds or for future builds I haven't tried yet, thanks for the giveaway.

IGN: deadinsidedoodeedoodeed
Last edited by Arcaniusu on Aug 25, 2018, 2:29:27 AM
What kind of bees produce milk ?

BooBees aka Boobies Lmao


Id love to have that lioneye glare bow. And also thank you for making these kind of post i find them interesting and really funny "creative".

thank you in advance.

IGN : QueenLeona
IGN : QueenLeona
Last edited by giampster on Sep 20, 2018, 5:15:43 PM
Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field.

Interested in Queen of the Forest. IGN Ashwin
Last edited by Ashwin on Sep 20, 2018, 10:30:40 PM
Why did a Shadow have to blind enemy with such a Smoke Mine?

Because everyone is afraid of Shadow. Still trying to learn joke.

Interested in Doryani's Catalyst, Ventor's Gamble, Exalted, Le Heup of All, Chaos currency, Kaom's Heart

Have no ig, but can contact me via email
or other way with your preference.
Last edited by Dragon360 on Oct 8, 2018, 1:06:42 PM

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