LF dream build Ranger deadeye

Hello everyone,

I have been looking around the forums for a nice build for a Deadeye and the majority are focused on MF or somewhat low budget build. I am looking for a build that is not focused on MF or Low budget, something that is extremely expensive and hard to make and requires a lot of time legacy/relic included that being said i might never reach that stage but at least i have a goal/aim to reach while farming playing enjoying the game.

Sorry if this is not the place to post (this is my 1st post on the forums) hope someone can guide/help me.

-I prefer tornado shot if there is such a build that strong with this ability.

Last bumped on Aug 19, 2018, 9:18:19 PM

This is where its at, GL.
Last edited by Enahkra on Aug 19, 2018, 9:20:39 PM
Hi, if you want to make a high dps mirrored bow build (25mil+ with 4 damage flasks), feel free to pm me I can give you some advice. There is a lot of misinformation out there about how to obtain max dps, so it can be overwhelming choosing what mirrored pieces to buy, so if you have questions let me know

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