Various inconsistent text descriptions in passive tree

1. "Elemental Resistances/to all Elemental Resistances". Notable 'Sanctuary' and connected to it 2 passives 'Shield Block and Elemental Resistance with Shields' in the left side of the tree have description "+N% Elemental Resistances [condition?]" which is inconsistent because similar mod in all other passives in the tree have description "+N% to all Elemental Resistances [condition?]".

2. "Attack Physical Damage/Physical Attack Damage". Some passives have description "N% increased Attack Physical Damage" which is inconsistent because most of the passives of the same type have description "N% increased Physical Attack Damage" (words "Physical" and "Attack" have their places swapped). Also name of the all passives always have consistent order of words "Physical Attack Damage". List of passives with inconsistent order of words in their description:
- 2 passives 'Physical Attack Damage and Life', 'Physical Attack Damage' near Duelist;
- 2 passives 'Physical Attack Damage' near Ranger;
- 2 notables and 1 passive 'Aspect of the Lynx', 'Weapon Artistry', 'Physical Attack Damage' in the right from Ranger;
- 6 passives in Berserker ascendancy:
-- 2x 'Physical Attack Damage, Life Leeched per Second';
-- 'Physical Attack Damage, Warcry Duration';
-- 3x 'Physical Attack Damage, Attack Speed'.
retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination
Last edited by DivineChampion on Jul 22, 2018, 7:56:06 PM
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2018, 4:04:56 PM
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You are right. Both can be considered a spelling mistakes / typos which are reported here:
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Last edited by Synopse on Jul 31, 2018, 11:39:10 PM

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