[3.3] Raikudou's Blade Flurry Juggernaut - All Content! 5+ MIL BOSS DPS | 6K LIFE | BUDGET FRIENDLY

Build Showcase:

Uber Elder kill: https://streamable.com/ubagh [Time: 01:48]

6 Player HP Red Elder Carry: https://i.imgur.com/4XMPZOT.jpg

Pros & Cons:

  • Still one of the best (if not the best) Single Target Skills
  • You can literally beat all Content in the game with this Build
  • Budged friendly but also room for infinite scaling and min-maxing
  • Juggernaut is just incredibly efficient and easy to gear at League starts.
  • Feels very fast and smooth to play
  • Super defensive even with Abyssus

  • Slow Map clear like most AOE Melee Skills after the nerfs
  • Learning stack release timing for maximum DPS output is essential
  • Stat stick and Jewels can get expensive

Blade Flurry is terrible for Map clearing these days so this Build is pretty much a pure boss killing machine. If you are looking for a Blade Flurry Boss farmer that can also clear Maps fast, then i have to disappoint you, because nothing comes even close to the speed of projectile based Wanders and Archers. Despite that the Skill is really fun and engaging for End-Game Content if you love destroying every Boss in the game within seconds. There is still the option of using Vaal Double Strike or Vaal Reave for map clear and it has even proven itself as an Uber Lab farmer because of the tankiness provided by the Juggernaut Ascendancy.

Profile & Guidance:

Path Of Building:

Incursion Gear:

Bestiary Gear

The gear section above can be used as an orientation. But to give you some sort of direction and a goal, these are relatively fast achievable stats you should have and aim for in the beginning of your Character progression.


  • 5000+ Life
  • 80%~ Max Resistances
  • 1 Million DPS
  • 40%+ Crit Chance
  • 400%+ Crit Multiplier
  • 80%+ Elemental Conversion

Ascendancy & Skill Tree:


Skill Tree:

Level 1-75/90:
This leveling Skill Tree is what i use at League starts. It has a lot of attack speed nodes for fast leap slamming and some one hand axe nodes, of which one gives you the chance for onslaught on kill to go even faster.

I recommend using Sunder until you have reached at least level 90. After getting all the nodes til level 75 you can just start putting skill points into the nodes you would need later as you level (use the level 90 skill Tree for reference), since Sunder doesn't need much else to work. If you are leveling with friends who can carry you in maps for a while or you already have the gear later into the League, feel free to make the switch to your main Skill Tree at level 75. The respec points you get through side quests are more than enough to make the switch without having to spend Regret Orbs. You get a total of 18 respec points through side quest and need to respec 17 points.

Level 75:
This is the spine and backbone of your Skill Tree which has all the important nodes to get your Build starting. The Soul Raker Claw node fixes all your leech problems forever and after getting the Winter Spirit node you should definitely start using the Physical to Lightning Gem or the Hrimsorrow Gloves to get 80%+ conversion to elemental damage. The Thief's Craft (30 Int) node helps not having to worry about intelligence for a while.

Level 90:
Pick up the Jewel node over Blood Drinker which allows you to drop the Thief's Craft node and use a Jewel with resists. The nodes at the Shadow area give you another 20 Int, good amount of life and crit nodes. At this point your Skill Tree has pretty much reached its final form.

Level 96:
On your way to 96 you should start picking up all the Jewel Socket nodes that are reachable within two to three points. You have to drop one of your life nodes to get the last Jewel Socket on the far left side.

Level 96+:
The Level 96+ Skill Tree is quite different from the previous ones and there is a good reason for that. If you have enough crit chance and crit multiplier at some point, you get way more damage if you spec into the Elemental Penetration nodes that also give you a lot of increased percentage of elemental Damage. After that there is quite a bit of playground for your other desires. You can drop Will of Blades and Sleight of Hand to pick up Cloth and Chain or more life nodes at the Scion wheel if you struggle for either stat.

Bandits & Pantheon:


Kill all Bandits or help Alira.
I prefer killing them all because the mana regen and resistances become useless later on as i push the limits of my build with good Jewels. If you want to go the budget route feel free to help Alira as she will provide you with similar stats you would get for your Jewels, just less good but free.

Kill all:
  • +2 Skill Points

Help Alira:
  • 5 Mana Regenerated per second
  • +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
  • +15% to all Elemental Resistances


(1) Major Pantheon - Soul Of Arakaali
Everytime your CWDT triggers Blood Rage followed by Immortal call, you shortly stop taking damage from Blood Rage. This allows you to trigger the effect of this Pantheon which gives you a huge boost to your life regeneration and life leech. Don't forget to link your Blood Rage before Immortal Call to be able to trigger this effect. You can find more information about this here under "3.1 Order" in the wiki.

(2) Minor Pantheon - Soul Of Yugul
This is what i use in Shaper and Elder fights. The physical hits are not a problem for this build, we mainly want to reduce the cold damage we take in those fights. If you are not killing the monsters fast enough that spawn the physical degeneration ground in Elder fights, feel free to take Soul Of Ralakesh for the reduction in physical damage over time.

(3) Minor Pantheon - Soul Of Gruthkul
This is what i use for general mapping and Lab farming. Pretty solid stats for that purpose compared to the other options, not much else to say here.

Gems & Links:

Main Links for Bossing:
5 Link Blade Flurry (Body Armour):

6 Link Blade Flurry (Body Armour):

Main Links for Mapping:

Blade Flurry:
5 Link Blade Flurry (Body Armour):

6 Link Blade Flurry (Body Armour):

Vaal Double Strike:
5 Link Double Strike (Body Armour):

6 Link Double Strike (Body Armour):

Other Links

Auras (Gloves):

Utility Gems (Weapons):

Whirling Blades (Helmet/Boots):

Defensive Gems (Helmet/Boots):

Gear & Breakdown:


  • Bloodseeker is a very strong starter claw that you can use well into End-Game Content and still reach millions of DPS to kill anything in the game without problems. The instant life leech is super broken to the point where you can facetank almost everything.

  • The Wasp Nest has very high base attack speed, almost 8% base crit and the extra chaos damage effect. This weapon will carry you for a long time if you can get it for a good price.

  • Touch Of Anguish is a weapon with almost 300 DPS, 8%+ base crit and the attack speed is also not to bad. Wasp Nest has more base attack speed, but that only starts to become really good as you get very high crit chance and a lot of crit multiplier. Long story short this is the best bang for your buck for getting high damage real fast.

  • Rare Claws like this will be pretty much your final Claw Upgrade to push the limits of your build. If you want to get something similar, it should at least have 1.7+ attack speed, 7%+ base crit and around ~400 pDPS.


  • Death's Hand can be used early on as a stack stick through Unholy Might (30% Physical damage as extra Chaos Damage) before we make the switch to Elemental Damage. The fact that we can generate Power Charges for a decent amount of crit chance is a nice bonus and goes hand in hand with the Unholy Might effect.

  • Doryani's Catalyst can be used right after you make the switch to Elemental Damage through conversions. Make sure to make the switch to something like this since the Unholy Might effect becomes less interesting as we start to scale our converted and extra elemental damage.

  • Stat Sicks are the king of dps for any dual wield Build in the current meta. Nothing is gonna beat a good Rare Sceptre for this purpose in your Off-Hand. Try to craft or buy one with at least two T2 or higher "physical damage as extra fire/lightning damage" mods. The best bases are Sambar and Void Sceptres with 6% Elemental Penetration and 40% increased Elemental Damage. I prefer to use the Sambar base since its more DPS for this Build and only requires 113 Int instead of 122 compared to the Void base.

Body Armours:

  • Tabula Rasa is the starter chest for any Build these days. You can use this until you get whatever you want to use later on. I usually only replace this once i get a 6 Link on my desired End-Game Chest.

  • Loreweave has worked its way up very fast to the top chest in the game for a big variety of Builds, beating out even Belly Of the Beast in most cases. The 80% Max Resistances are a huge defensive boost but it doesn't end there, you also get a good amount offensive stats in form of flat physical damage, increased Elemental Damage and global critical strike chance. Life and attributes are the cherry on top and help you focus on more damage on your Amulet/Rings instead of worrying about Intelligence.

  • Inpulsa's Broken Heart is currently the best clear speed Chest in the game. The decent amount of life and shock immunity is a good extra layer of defenses and the explosion effect can make even the worst clear speed Builds decent. This is generally what i use for mapping and even a 4L Inpulsa's will beat any other Chest for clear speed with this Build.

  • Farrul's Furr is hands down the best Chest that ever got implemented in the game for Attack based Builds. Sadly we can't get our hands on this Chest anymore since the removal of Bestiary, but if you are able to buy one i strongly advise you to do so. 100% Power/Frenzy Charge up-time with the Aspect of the Cat Buff that reserves no Mana thanks to the chest which has 100 life and 900+ Armour/Evasion...this thing is just a monster.


  • Abyssus is currently the single most OP item for any attack based crit Build and can boost your DPS more than some Weapons. Most people don't like using it because of the downside, but we have so much physical mitigation through endurance charges, flasks and the Body Armour in combination with the Ascendancy that we really don't care about it. Also being able to burst down any Boss phase within seconds is way safer than dealing less damage in my opinion.

  • Starkonja's Head is an alternative which you can use if you can't or don't want to deal with the downsides of Abyssus yet. I recommend this Helmet early on to get some levels going on without dying every Map. After level 85 to 90 you should slowly start making the switch though, the DPS boost feels just to great.

  • Rare Helmets can be your saviour if you are starving for resistances or can't afford either Unique Helmet yet. It's very cheap to get a 100+ life helmet with a resist or two. I always like having one on the side with high life and armour for Uber Lab farming.


  • Tombfists are also a must have in any attack based Builds. You get a decent amount of life, some attack speed and 10% more damage through intimidation. The Abyss Jewel sockets can be used to get even more life, resistances, attack speed or flat phys. You can use the cheap 1 Socket version at first, but i highly recommend making the switch to two sockets sooner or later.

  • Hrimsorrows are the easiest and cheapest way to get to 90% elemental conversion in combination with the Winter Spirit nodes on the skill tree. I usually use the "Physical to Lightning" gem until i get my Hatred Watcher's Eye, but this is also an option that allows you to use "Elemental Focus" instead, which is way more damage since your shocks are pretty weak anyway so early on.

  • Rare Incursion Gloves are regular rare gloves that can drop with special affixes only available through Temple runs in the current Incursion League at the time of writing this. They can have "25% of physical damage converted to fire/cold/lightning damage" mods which allows you to get from ~80% conversion to a full 100%. I wouldn't say they are as good as 2 Socket Tombfists, but still an interesting item to watch out for. Getting one with high life, good resists, high flat phys or attack speed can probably be a decent replacement in some cases.


  • Rare Boots are the only thing you need for this slot. An extremely easy source of resistances and Life. Since we are using Whirling Blades 99% of the time for movement we don't care about the movement speed affix. This allows us to get some pretty cheap deals for good tripple resist Boots.

  • Kaom's Roots give you a huge amount of flat life and an effect similar to the Unstoppable Ascendancy node. This allows us to spec out of that node and get Unyielding which gives you better endurance charge sustain, some damage and aoe. But only use them if you can cap out your resists with the help of your jewels, rings and belt.

  • Ralakesh's Impatience Boots are used by a lot of Boss kill Builds to generate some easy charges pre-fight. You can equip them until you get max endurance charges, then switch back to your original Boots to start the fight. I personally don't like using them, but if you are not confident enough yet these are definitely a great option to start a fight off safer.


  • Rare Amulets with high flat phys, crit multi/chance and life are your main priorities for this slot. You can try to craft some high end "physical damage as extra [X] damage" Shaper and Elder Amulets later on, but that can get expensive. You should always use Lapis or Agate Amulet bases for the intelligence implict.

  • Rare Rings with high flat phys, good amount of resistances and life are your main priorities for this slot. Getting ones with "increased elemental damage" is very nice, but usually hard and expensive to get in combination with the other mentioned mods. The bases can be whatever as long as they have the stats that are listed here, but for self-crafting you should always use Steel Rings.

  • Rare Belts are your main resist source in combination with Boots. Try to get as much resists here as possible with some life. Stygian Vise bases are hands down the best belt base since Abyss League and made every other rare belt obsolete for end game. You can get another 20-40 life and ~10% all resists through the Abyss Jewel Socket it provides.

  • Unique Belts can be used until you get your rare Belt with high resistances. I recommend "Belt of the Deceiver" for some life, decent resistances and 10% more damage which is the best part, especially early into a new League. You can also use "The Magnate" if you are in need of higher resistances.


  • Rare Jewels are an amazing source for critical strike multiplier, attack speed, life and all resists. A mix of at least 3 of those stats are what you are looking for.

  • Abyss Jewels are a very good source for life and flat phys, but critical strike multiplier, attack speed on critical strikes and all resists is also an interesting stat if you are lacking that.

  • Watcher's Eye Jewels introduced very powerful stats for certain Auras in the game. The ones we care about are the conversion, base critical strike chance or penetration stats for the Hatred Aura. Depending on what way you choose to convert your damage there is lots of room to play around here.


  • Divine Life Flasks with instant life recovery saved me in many tricky situations. I always include this Flask in my Builds since i have a very aggressive play style.

  • Diamond Flasks are a must have in any crit based Build period. Extremely budged item that allows your hits to be rolled twice for critical strikes which is a huge boost since we focus on a lot of critical strike multiplier. I highly recommend crafting increased duration and bleed immunity during flask effect on it.

  • Atziri's Promise is pretty much used in every build for good reason. Not only do you get some chaos resistance which is usually hard to get, it also helps out with a good amount of life leech and gives us a percentage of our damage as extra chaos damage.

  • Lions Roar provides a straight up 25% more damage buff and gives us a lot of armour which helps out with the Abyssus downside. The knockback may be annoying for general mapping but its a must have for any single target Build.

  • Taste Of Hate is a no brainer for straight up 20% extra Cold damage. Since im using Loreweave and my resists are always at a certain max cap, the max resist increase provided from the Flask wont do anything, still worth to use it through.

  • The Wise Oak is a great offensive option that also provides good defenses. Its hard to balance your resists though and if you cant easily get all your resists on the same value don't even bother with this.

  • Vessel Of Vinktar is the long forgotten Flask since the Vaal Pact nerfs. This Flask is amazing for general mapping in combination with Inpulsas as it always shocks nearby enemies for the explosion effect and since we are immune to shocks through Inpulsas we have none of the downsides! Get the conversion Flask if you are at ~80% elemental conversion or the 10% penetration one if you are at max conversion.

Last edited by Raikudou on Oct 7, 2023, 3:53:36 PM
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2018, 10:26:13 PM
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Nice guide! I think I'll try it out at some point.

Edit: nvm im dumb
Last edited by Frogfriend on Jun 21, 2018, 3:03:44 PM
Frogfriend wrote:
Nice guide! I think I'll try it out at some point.

Edit: nvm im dumb

I see you edited your comment, but the question wasn't dumb. As for clear you can use Reave or Double Strike with Ancestral Call & Melee Splash. I don't really like Reave so when i have long mapping sessions i usually grab Double Strike. Otherwise i just use the listed mapping links for Blade Flurry with Inpulsas which usually gets the job done. But since this is mostly aimed to be a single target Build i didn't really include it.
Last edited by Raikudou on Jun 21, 2018, 3:18:59 PM
Very good and strong build. What about sword weapon?
FranzSchmidt wrote:
Very good and strong build. What about sword weapon?

Swords are really good too since you don't need to reach into the very top right part of the skill tree, which allows you to be more budged oriented. But losing out on the Soul Raker node is just not acceptable for me. Thats the single most OP non Keystone node IMO.

Also the fact that old Vaal Pact is still in the game through Bloodseekers is another bonus. Basically if everything fails and you cant find a good weapon there is still a VP weapon to save the day.

Again, the Sword version of BF Builds certainly has its benefits, but i like Claws more for tankiness and better QOL.
Raikudou wrote:
FranzSchmidt wrote:
Very good and strong build. What about sword weapon?

Swords are really good too since you don't need to reach into the very top right part of the skill tree, which allows you to be more budged oriented. But losing out on the Soul Raker node is just not acceptable for me. Thats the single most OP non Keystone node IMO.

Also the fact that old Vaal Pact is still in the game through Bloodseekers is another bonus. Basically if everything fails and you cant find a good weapon there is still a VP weapon to save the day.

Again, the Sword version of BF Builds certainly has its benefits, but i like Claws more for tankiness and better QOL.

thank you very much for the answer. the idea itself is very interesting, I want to try it.
I gave bf champion with claw, just I like sword, BUT, I like very strong life leech....( I even thought of buying atziri gloves that fell in price, but still, the claw better restore life than the sword. Gl buddy.
P.s. sry for my English :(
FranzSchmidt wrote:
Raikudou wrote:
FranzSchmidt wrote:
Very good and strong build. What about sword weapon?

Swords are really good too since you don't need to reach into the very top right part of the skill tree, which allows you to be more budged oriented. But losing out on the Soul Raker node is just not acceptable for me. Thats the single most OP non Keystone node IMO.

Also the fact that old Vaal Pact is still in the game through Bloodseekers is another bonus. Basically if everything fails and you cant find a good weapon there is still a VP weapon to save the day.

Again, the Sword version of BF Builds certainly has its benefits, but i like Claws more for tankiness and better QOL.

thank you very much for the answer. the idea itself is very interesting, I want to try it.
I gave bf champion with claw, just I like sword, BUT, I like very strong life leech....( I even thought of buying atziri gloves that fell in price, but still, the claw better restore life than the sword. Gl buddy.
P.s. sry for my English :(

The great thing with claws is that you can even do no leech or no regen maps where other BF builds usually have to reroll the map. The life gain on hit implict is super strong since it's instant and works in no leech maps. Just prefer claws over swords in general because of Bloodseeker alone.
how would you do uber lab with abyssus. :T
MrSneakyFox wrote:
how would you do uber lab with abyssus. :T

Go to Gear Breakdown under the Helmet section. I addressed most situational items and options you have for this build there.

Rare Helmets can be your saviour if you are starving for resistances or can't afford either Unique Helmet yet. It's very easy these days to get a 100+ life helmet with a resist or two for a few chaos Orbs. I always like having one on the side with high life and armour for Uber Lab farming.

Last edited by Raikudou on Jun 23, 2018, 2:18:29 PM
Is the clear speed for maps something that could be fixed by using vaal reave in place of bf?

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