Guild of *KeK* [PC][Discord][Mature][North America]

What we offer?

-A casual place to organize with friendly people and enjoy your gaming experience!

-Map sharing, leveling rotations, noob friendly, pressure free environment.

-It is a mature community, jokes and mature content is tolerated.

-We have giveaways with prizes ranging from steam gift cards to entire games.

-We have a website and a discord channel for organization and chating.

-We offer gaming streams to either watch or join in on.

-Discord stats bots, bot making and programing channels.

-Because there is no way to verify a discord users age this is an open server. You can invite anyone you want into it. If you are under the age of 18, please do your best to act like an adult. Childish behavior will not be tolerated, and you will only receive one warning. Your second offense will result in a ban.

-Currently looking for volunteers for moderation positions. If you are interested DM me in discord!

Last edited by reckhouse on Dec 30, 2018, 3:02:50 PM
Last bumped on Jan 11, 2023, 7:19:43 AM
Still recruiting!!
Hit us up in game to join! or just get in the discord!!
Noobs are welcome!
Heya, I'll give ya a try :) I tried joining via the Discord link, but it keeps saying that it is invalid or has expired.

Discord: CutShot#1983
IGN: Mr_Dark_Passenger
Last edited by CutShot on May 24, 2018, 9:29:36 AM
Hey again CutShot! Glad to see the link worked its self out! Glad to have you!
Hype for incursion!
Still recruiting? New player looking for a guild to call home.
Yes we are! come check us out @
Last edited by reckhouse on May 31, 2018, 8:49:07 PM

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