[3.2] Zombie Champion (Work in progress)

Why Champion tho?

With the new Champion you can give your Zombies a Lycosidae and a Victario's Charity at the same time. This means they will have frenzy charges and wont miss their attacks.
And of course because of Hipster points, mainly because of Hipster points.

How it works:

Taunt enemies with this:

Taunted enemies cant evade attacks because of this:

Zombies gain frenzy charges with this:

The Build:

PoB link: https://pastebin.com/0uJZjg3h (This is without Life and Resistances on the gear)

Passive Tree: www.poeurl.com/bNKS

We get over 1200 strength to be able to have 6 big Zombies.
Grabbing the resistance nodes at the Scion start because we dont get 20% all res for free from Ascendancy like the Necro does.

Currently on hold, because i switched back to Necro for the league start.
Feel free to still give your thoughts and feedback!
Last edited by Clooney_is_best_Batman on Mar 4, 2018, 4:02:27 PM
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2018, 9:56:05 AM
Do you have a skill tree planned out?
I added the passive tree for the PoE website.
It's a level 90 tree, can probably be optimized in terms of pathing, but it covers all the important things for now. Has room for more life at levels beyond 90 at the Scion life wheel.
Last edited by Clooney_is_best_Batman on Mar 3, 2018, 10:47:05 AM
Hi I'm new to summoner and have question.

In guide, you choose astramentis. How about elder amulet with +1 Zombie? (In standard, also +2 zombie talisman.)
IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
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https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221569081708, https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221569083928
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https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221571697824, https://blog.naver.com/aliac/221571734537
Good point, this build is based on my Necro Zombie build, which focuses on stacking strength

For this build right now, Astramentis does two thing: It completely covers the attribute requirements for Dex/Int and it gives over 150 strength, which basically also makes it a +1 Zombie amulet because of The Baron.

Strength stacking is not that important for this build, so a +1 Zombie amulet with other stats might be a better option, you could be right. I have to either give up Haste then, or i need to cover the dex for it through the rare items or the passive tree. I would rather not have to give up passive nodes for that, i already travel across the whole tree.

Thank you for your feedback, i need to play around and see what's better in the end.
hi. Interesting build you have here, but I have 2 questions:

1. Do your Zombies proc taunt as well? Or do you have to use shield charge every time?

2. You have Necromantic Aegis on the Champion Build but you don't have it on your Necro build. Why is that?
Last edited by JhinnHazuki on Mar 4, 2018, 3:30:05 PM
The Zombies wont proc taunt, you have to either proc it using shield charge, or by using another skill like ball lightning or orb of storms.
I can get away with generating the frenzy charges myself using shield charge and blade vortex on the necro build becasue i can use a ES regenerating auto spirit offering setup there. This way i dont lose all the stats that the shield provides. I am not sure if the zombie leech alone is enough to facetank bosses on this build without the spirit offering setup. Also this way i can get frenzy charges myself, which makes shield charging faster.

This guide is on hold right now, because i missed the gigantic buff to the zombie slam in the patch notes. This doubles the dps of the necro build, so i switched back to the necro build for this league for now.
The "More damage than Necromancer" in the title is therefore probably wrong too, i need to remove it.

This guide is on hold right now, because i missed the gigantic buff to the zombie slam in the patch notes. This doubles the dps of the necro build, so i switched back to the necro build for this league for now.
The "More damage than Necromancer" in the title is therefore probably wrong too, i need to remove it.

Not really, it's 100% cooldown.

You have 200% from violent dead, so it's 200%vs300% cooldown.

That means it's 1.25sec cd slam vs 1.65sec cd slam

Pretty far from double the dps
Last edited by KingKendrick on Mar 20, 2018, 1:29:48 AM
It's not the cooldown, it's the fact that their slam attacks cant miss anymore. Zombies have horrible accuracy.
The zombie slam cannot be evaded is a global change afaik.

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