Newbie Deadeye Ranger seeking for help :/

Well not making it long...

Actually after 300h (yes I play PoE for the first time) I did my lvl 90.
I do follow a guide from youtube from Path of Exile Builds and eventho I've got some "ok" items already I got no dmg at all I think.
Like when I'm in my hideout (with no Ice Golem, no Frenzy charges, Auras and stuff) the Tornado Shot says 10.1k dmg and Barrage (skill in theory to kill bosses) 4,2k ...

What I'm doing wrong? Even bought the Lioneye's Fall Jewell, changed Grace for Herald of Ice to a little boost the dmd, but still... it's low.

Please just check my profile (got one character so it's np. to identify), the gear and so passive tree.

I'm rly thinking about buy Regret Orbs to refund my ascend points and then go labs again just to change myself in to Raider with Windripper that is mainstream nowadays. Yet I'm worry that I would put in that action a lot of currency and my dmg not gonna change.

Thanks for the time to read the post and in case help, also sorry for my not perfect english but it's my secondary language.
I like to summon things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IGN: @Dosarphic
Last bumped on Oct 26, 2017, 10:53:05 PM

As Deadeye I tried to re-build my gems and stuff comparing it to this one:

He says that he have 28k raw dps on tool and 5k life... I can't reach it lol.
I like to summon things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IGN: @Dosarphic
Last edited by Dosarphic on Oct 19, 2017, 7:00:24 PM
I think... i have same problem, but only with big boss :)))
Read this guide:


The other guide is a niche physical damage build. Yours look like a physical scaling damage build which would be better of with some elemental conversion.

Also in general a few tips:

A) Don't use Queen of the Forest without Grace. Especially not as a non-raider since it's almost impossible to a high enough evasion to actually benefit from it.

B) Death's Opus already grants you a very high crit multiplier but a very low base damage. You benefit a lot more from flat physical damage (not % increased but an added flat modifier as on steel rings or an amulet for instance). This is a rule of thumb and you shouldn't completely neglect crit multiplier. For the exact dps calculations download Path of Builder (PoB).

This goes the other way around for a bow with a very high flat damage. For instance a 350+ Pdps Harbinger bow will benefit a lot from crit mulitplier and slightly less from flat added physical damage.

C) In Diablo 2 and 3 uniques are better than rares. This is not the case in PoE. Uniques as a rule of thumb has a downside and you should not use to many of them. You can improve your character quite a bit by simply getting decent rolled rares instead of your Amulet, Gloves and Boots.

D) For Bow characters as a rule of thumb:

Quiver + Amulet = Offensive item slot. Try to get good offensive stats + life on these items. On amulet you should also try to get some INT / STR if possible (usually by having an agate amulet).
Belt + Boots + chest = defensive
Helmet = Unique (Rat's Nest or Starkonja)
Rings + gloves = semi offensive / semi defensive. Stats depend on the quality of your other gear / the choices you made with the rest of your gear. Also try to fill out any needed attributes such as INT and STR on your rings.

TLDR: Read the guides I linked and download Path of Builder for fine tuning your character.

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