Build Advice - Sunder/ GSlam Gladiator

Hi everyone, im new to POE and ive been looking for a place i can post my build and get some constructive criticism. Im at a point where im struggling to progress and i think its partly due to my build (and the other part that im not very coordinated and i suck at gaming, as much as i enjoy it. )

Im hoping someone can help guide me to make a few useful tweaks. The idea is Sunder as primary, then Ground Slam AoE and it provides some extra defense in Endurance charges that the 2 gems produce 3 stacks almost immediately. For added defense i have MS on damage taken and Enfeeble as an aura. I still seem to be struggling to get past 2nd Atzari and some low level maps.

Well id love some feedback. Thanks in advance.
Last bumped on Sep 27, 2017, 5:23:48 PM

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