Problem with Lore Dialogue for Sin Sarth Act 8

I don't know if this is jut happening to me, but I'm having an issue with with the dialogues titled Solaris, The Eternal Moon, and Lunaris. It appears that Sin says lines that are from different dialogues not the aforementioned ones. As someone who enjoys listening to the various lore dialogues I hope this issue can be fixed.
Last edited by Ayomichi on Aug 21, 2017, 6:41:50 PM
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2017, 5:08:16 PM
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I have the same issue, seems to be the voicelines from the next act with mentions of Highgate.
On defeating Solaris/Lunaris, the text from Sin seemed normal, but the voiceover seemed to reference content from act 9 (something about the beast, then collecting 2 things, one from a basilisk, etc etc). Probably attached the wrong sound asset to the event?
Also, reproducible by selecting "Solaris and Lunaris" text dialogue from Sin in Harbour Bridge boss arena after completing the fight. The text is good, voice is wrong content.
and finally, the voice content is that of 'The Dark Ember' from Sin, when you first speak to him in Highgate or select that option from his dialogue.

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