Audio and Text miss-matched

After killing the Act 8 bosses Sin arrives to give his speech, but the text and the audio doesn't match. In the rolling text it begins "Sun and Moon return to their rightful places...", but the audio played is about "The dark ember remains...(can't exactly make up the rest, but seems he is requesting for 2 ingredient)".
PS: I'm playing as a Raider.
PPS:The audio played is "The Dark Ember" audio when you meet Sin in Act 9 town
Last edited by max392723094 on Aug 6, 2017, 12:25:15 AM
Last bumped on Sep 2, 2017, 8:20:50 AM
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Not just that one, noticing a lot of miss matches all over the place too. Specially noticeable on Sarn for me.
Can confirm. When talking to Sin and asking about 'Solaris' 'The Eternal Moon' and 'Lunaris' the rolling text is what I can assume as correct, but Sin's audio is all referring to Garukhan.

I'm trying to enjoy the story and the world's lore whilst playing, but these miss-matched interactions are making it less compelling and difficult to follow at times.
In Sarn, when you first get there, a lot of Sin's lore stuff is mismatched. All of these after finding out about Solaris/Lunaris and immediately speaking to Sin:

The 'Solaris' option text begins with "Self-loving Solaris.", but Sin says, "A mother's keen heart..."

The 'The Eternal Moon' option text begins with "We approach the zenith...", but Sin says "In the Maraketh desert..."

The 'Lunaris' option text begins with "One of two sisters...", but Sin says "It is not something I deign to speak of often..."

I noticed a few others, one with Tarkleigh in Act 6 regarding Nessa (I can't remember exactly), another with Sin in another Act, I believe, all mismatched voiceovers.
Almost a month after posting here, and the mismatched text and audio hasn't been fixed.
Whats worse is that i'm discovering more of them, so much so I cant keep track of it all.

There has to be someone at GGG that regularly plays through the 3.0 questline and has noticed these errors at some point.
I cant believe everyone skips interactions every time after the first encounter.
Its almost as bad as reading a book and skipping a page every three pages, except with these errors those skipped pages never existed.
happens to me too
Remember Tukayyid!

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