Tarkleigh's 'Nessa' dialogue in The Brine King dialogue mismatch

What Tarkleigh's 'Nessa' dialogue says after seeing Nessa in act 6 at the mud flats (before continuing the quest) does not match what is written. Everything matches until the final sentence.

The final sentence in the text says: "Before it leads you right to the Brine King himself."

But Tarkleigh's voice actor instead says: "Make your way along the coast, the ship graveyard, even Merveil's cave if you must. By my reckoning, this King's not the sort to venture far from his briny bed."

I haven't seen a post made on this topic yet, sorry if a post has already been made.
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2017, 10:33:40 PM
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I can confirm that "TONS" of Text/Voices are missmatched.
Both Roth-Family-Members have the same "issue" after killing the trio in act 9.

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