~ scrapped

I totally scrapped the trickster version. Will make it Hierophant :P

Check other forum for the guide, will be up in maybe 1 hour.

Last edited by Esfandiari on Aug 2, 2017, 8:32:51 AM
Last bumped on Aug 2, 2017, 8:30:56 AM
Sorry to say but MoM doesnt work with CI... "30% of Damage is taken from Mana before LIFE"
My bad, forgot to take out the point from an earlier version.
Thanks for letting me know :)
Last edited by Esfandiari on Aug 1, 2017, 5:17:21 PM
Might I also add that the ability is an "melee" ability meaning it wont work with "Void Battery"
I would also recommend not going as a shadow with MOM but its all up to you. Its just that MOM + life/ES is already kinda wonky as you wont get immune to chaos dmg and will already have rather low life and also no Life flask listed to counter the chaos dmg. Also running MOM with discipline + herald of thunder + clarity is already rather taxing on your mana pool and can be rather expensive to gear up for. I would say for a started build like this just go Witch occultis, CI and a "Xirgil's Crank". Its much easier atleast for a starter build.
Quant91 wrote:
Might I also add that the ability is an "melee" ability meaning it wont work with "Void Battery"

I read it will be usable with wands. I dont care for the damage on the dash itself. Going to use it mainly as movement skill.

Thanks for your feedback, too!
Last edited by Esfandiari on Aug 1, 2017, 6:36:21 PM
Ok, I just went with standard knowledge of PoE and how skills usually works + this site http://cb.poedb.tw/us/gem.php?n=Charged%20Dash where it is indeed listed as "melee" and also listed which weapons it will work with and wand is not listed. I do find it wierd tho if it would work with wands as no other "melee" skills do so far. But I guess we can only wait and see.
Quant91 wrote:
Ok, I just went with standard knowledge of PoE and how skills usually works + this site http://cb.poedb.tw/us/gem.php?n=Charged%20Dash where it is indeed listed as "melee" and also listed which weapons it will work with and wand is not listed. I do find it wierd tho if it would work with wands as no other "melee" skills do so far. But I guess we can only wait and see.

If a dagger is needed I'll use Divinarius.
I have been trying to make up a CWC charged dash trickster as well.

And i got a question about what defence set-up you are planning to run. As I personally didn't wanted to go CI, this was my own plan for it;

- Make charged dash free with 'Walk the Aether'.
- Reserve 100% of mana for aura's (most likely grace and Wrath)
- Take ghost dance + shade form, and go evasion/acrobatic for main defence
- Elder battery + MoM as another layer of defence.

Everything together Evasion + dodge should be my main defence, with MoM as second. As I won't use any mana for casting, my energy shield from Elder Battery should start recharging after 2 seconds of not taking damage.

I just don't know if this would be a good defence set-up. Even with the extra energy shield from Shade form and intellect nodes, I still would need several energy shield (or energy shield/evasion hybrid) gear pieces and around 100% increased energy shield from the tree, to get to a somewhat comfortable ES amount (1000-1500) to make MoM not completely wasted.

I'm just wondering if it wouldn't be better to go or just completely evasion/acrobatic/life and ignore energy shield at all, or go an evasion/energy shield/life set-up with like 180% increase of life and ES, and 150% increased evasion. These two options would give me some more points for damage as well, which would be nice (as I don't have many).

And i don't know what to do for single target damage, as Killing stuff with charged dash is properly a massive hassle. Maybe some totem + lightning spell set-up, as I don't really want to be casting much spells that cost mana.

This would be my tree for my first idea (no items or gem set-ups).


I think my life % might be a bit to low for hc, and I think I don't have that many point invested in damage as well (I will have 6 frenzy charges though (or 7 if you can get one somewhere while leveling).

Thanks for your feedback!

I totally scrapped the trickster version. Will make it Hierophant :P

Check other forum for the guide, will be up in maybe 1 hour.

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