[Help required] First Build - Cold Power Siphon

Greetings exiles,

I've recently discovered the Gem "Power Syphon" - Awesome kill effect - and decided "That will be my new Skill". As you guess, I first checked the forum for a Cold Power Siphon build but - nope, nothing. I was shocked, not even a single ultra high budget build for 2.6.. (Everyone plays Kinetic Blast - no kill effect... not my skill)

So I've started a new Character and tryed some skill combinations and so on.

Atm I'm level 43 and thought it wouldn't be bad if I take a look if I'm going in the right direction.

POE Planer

The sad truth:

I've screwed hart at the Armor / Life / Es / Evasion part. I'm not even sure what to focus. There's everything. Armor + Es, Evasion + Es and so on.

I somehow would prefer Armor / Life / Es but there's mostly Es + Eva.

The sadder part about the Items:

I got a higher level char, testet some Items, but I'm 100% unsure. Since I can't tell on what stat I should focus it's even harder to pick the Items.

Sure thing is: Wand with good Phy is needed.
And Abyssus should give a huge damage boost.

The rest - i don't know ....

Gems + Links

4-6L: Power Siphon, GMP, Increased Critical Strikes, Slower Projectiles, Physical Projectile Attack Damage*, Increased Critical Damage*

4-6L Single Target: Barrage, Increased Critical Strikes, Slower Projectiles, Physical Projectile Attack Damage*, Increased Critical Damage*, Life gain on hit**, Added Cold Damage*

3L: Herald of Ice, Projectile weakness, curse on hit

Aura: Hatred, Clarity

Golem: Ice Golem

* = Optional
** = Right Now it's good. Later I don't think so. Maybe Life leech?

As far as I can say it - It looks okay, right?

To be honest I don't know what stats I should reach to make the Build Merc and maybe even uber Atziri viable and that's the reason why I am here.

It'd be awesome if someone could take a look at my Build and give me some advice on how to imporve it.

Thanks for reading and helping :)
~ Greetings Quatzel ~
Last edited by Quatzel on Jul 4, 2017, 3:59:53 PM
Last bumped on Jul 6, 2017, 12:06:36 PM
Hey Quatzel,

i know you dont want to hear this, but maybe it would be better to just play a kinetic blast / barrage build.
It´s way more viable at the moment. You´ll find enough build´s in the forum.

And by the way you still owe me 10 chaos orb. Let´s say 12 chaos orbs - it sounds way better.

Cya ingame ;)

As you were already told, KB is way better than PS (like 10 times better), but i won't try to stop you from using PS and anyway you can switch between both with minimal costs.

With that said, I will try to help you improve your build.

First, there are problems in the core of your build : you only convert 40% of your phys dmg in cold, and you focus a lot of elemental damage and cold damage on the skill tree. It means that each of those nodes you take don't have 100% effectiveness --> bad.

Sadly, there is no way for you to achieve 100% phys to cold cold conversion as a wander. you basically have 2 options :
- Keep your original idea to focus on physical damage, use the cold conversion cluster + Hrimburn unique gloves to convert 90% of your phys dmg to cold. It is suboptimal but it could work.
- Build a more generic elewander that uses all elements : drop hatred and use herald of ice + herald of thunder or Anger. In that case you should drop all phys damage on the tree (and phys to cold conversion). Use an ele wand or the awesome piscator vigil unique wand. Best option in my opinion.

You want to use power charges but there's only one powercharge on your side of the tree. Not much we can do about that, frenzy charges would be way more effective since you have access to all of them.

Regarding the defenses, you can't focus on everything at once and hope to be successful. There are close to 0 ES and armor nodes on your side of the tree so you should not try to use them. Stick to life and evasion and take the acrobatics notable on the skill tree.

Second, the passive tree, there are 3 main problems :
- You need at least 150% increased life (that is a bare minimum) to not be One Shot by everything in merciless, right now you took less than half of that --> you need more increased life on the tree.
- You took clusters that are not optimal / offer not enough value, and left out some that are way better. In general shield and accuracy clusters do not give much.
- The overall pathing is suboptimal, you could get the same amount of clusters with less travelling.

Here is something that would work better :

Please note that I threw it in 15 minutes so it may not be the best skill tree but it would work way better than what you planned.

I didn't take jewel nodes but you should as soon as you get good ones.

I changed ascendancy to raider because you get free frenzy charge generation and immunity to elemental status ailments, similar damage and more movement speed, its just better sadly.

I also changed bandits :
40 life is way better than 10% all res because it is easy to cap res but you can never have too much life.
8 attack speed is better than 16% phys dmg.
Frenzy charge instead of Power Charge, gives more dps.

There's more to cover but I have been typing a lot already, I would advise you to read carefully popular guides on elemental wanders and try to understand why everything works the way it does, analyse the passive tree, items and skill gems.£

I hope I could help
Last edited by Siyoo2 on Jul 5, 2017, 1:48:29 PM
First very big thanks for explaining so much!

I'll give the 90% Phy to cold a chance and if it won't work. I'll try a bit around :D

The ascendancy part shocked me most.
I thought the extra chain + Far Shot would grand a insane damage boost :/

Anyway, I'll follow your advice and take a loot at some popular guides^^
~ Greetings Quatzel ~

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