[2.6] Inquisitor Wild Strike Doryani's Catalyst Maces Feedback

Hi, im currently planning a Wild strike dual wielding doryani's catalysts, Along with a belly of the beast and starkonja's helmet, rest rares with life + resist

This is the skill tree i've been planning for it, but I need suggestions:


Should I respec "Celestial Judgement" and "Celestial Punishment" and go for more live above on "Purity of flesh" nodes?

Last bumped on Jun 11, 2017, 2:04:04 AM
I don't know where you find accuracy for scept crit build if you not jugger, but you can use tree like this - tree. In this tree I was trying to avoid the "melee" nodes => should work on the secondary effect of skill.
https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740943/page/1#p22777382 - переход на офф клиент.

I work abut very similiar build to you, but at least i make with claw. It's my concept of tree:


If you want more detailed link to PoB: https://pastebin.com/wTzw8FPP
So I've tried wild strike on a bunch of different characters, but I think the best thing I've come up with yet is a crit inquisitor running doryani's.

I've downed Phoenix/Izaro/Artizi/Mino(I can face tank Mino), and can run any t15 map with ease.

I haven't tried chimaera or hydra yet, mainly because I'm poor as fuck after building so many different variations of wild strike and not having a lot of start up currency.

I can only really run what I find on this character, and honestly, most of the content pre t16s can be run on a very tight budget, save the 6 link belly which I'm pretty sure is a staple.

I was running a diamond flask until I found a taste of hate and that seemed to work fine.

I think you can make my build for around 2-3ex outside the 6 link.

Pretty sure this will be able to do shaper in time, but wild strike is definitely not an easy skill to play around versus T1 skills.

Check out my character "Tempstrikezz" the level 89 inquis not the level 69.

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