Stash search bar and talisman tier bug

Hi there, just found that the search bar from the stash stops working as soon as you type the t of, for example, "tier: 3" when searching for talismans. Typing "ier: 3" works, but not with the t at the beginning.

Images here:
Last bumped on Apr 29, 2017, 5:31:19 PM
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And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Firstly, there is a syntax specifically for searching for talismans by tier, as silumit noted above, which is described in the help tooltip for the search box. Secondly, does it work if you capitalize it («"Tier: 3"»), since the actual text on the talisman has it capitalized?
You have to use quotes, and full text.

"Talisman tier: 3"

The map syntax, I.e. Tier:2 doesn't work.

You must have a space, opposite of map syntax which must NOT have a space after the colon.

Also, capitalization does not matter.
You might see me in global as STFU_IM_----_OK :^)

No, the map syntax doesn’t work because it’s for maps. For talismans, there’s the dedicated syntax «talisman:2» (again, no space).

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