First Shadow Build help

Last bumped on Apr 16, 2017, 6:04:59 AM
Hello there,
1) What spell are you using ? That will help to answer correctly.
2) Hybrid is hard these days : it's either CI / Life / low life (but you'll need Shav's)
3) There is a lot of nodes useless (answer to 1) and I'll try to suggest you some improvements)

I'm planning on using arc and freezing pulse
I was thinking of evasion with ES and life, would that work?
Thanks for the reply
I'm thinking of something like this :

CI + Vaal pact + Ghost reaver
You go for freezing pulse for dmg and Arc (or Orb of storms) to proc elemental equilibrium
You take some sort of leech (Blasphemy Warlord's mark cheapest one)

I added a lot of elemental dmg cause you had a lot of crit but no base dmg
If you go crit you need power charges (I added 2)
I take 2 jewel nodes for you to add in the new Jewel threshold first snow.

Let me know if you like it as it is.
Does increased crit chance apply to spells or weapons
I know that increased crit chance for spells applies only to spells
Crit chance on the skill tree applies to skills and spells.
The only difference when you use a spell is that it doesn't use the local crit chance of your weapon but the base crit chance of your spell (default is 5%, other spells have a lot more).
would i go evasion/ES for armour and spell/ES or evasion/ES or evasion for shield

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