2.6 Rayson Burn(Scorching Ray Chieftan) (Theory Craft)

Do you like high deeps, being tanky, life based builds, laser beams, the colour red and/or burning flesh (uhhh maybe see a doctor for this one). If so i present to you the Rayson Burn
Build Link

Pretty basic build, uses Scorching Ray(SR) as main skill with high fire pen. Because you need to stand still to stack SR to deal highest damage i've opted for High life regen and High Armour on top of capped resists (What about chaos resistance? In theory with optimal gear you can achieve 65%)

Weapon: +3 Fire Staff
Helmet: Rare Armour Helm
Body Armour: Kaom's Heart or High Life, High Armour Rare
Gloves: Rare Armour Gloves
Boots: Rare Armour Boots
Amulet: Rare Marble Amulet (1.6% Life Regen) or Xoph's Heart
Rings: Rare Prismatic Rings
Belt: Immortal Flesh - no longer removes max resists but minuses resists
Flasks: Overflowing Chalice (Conc Ground for regen) - Granite Flask - Basalt Flask - Quicksilver Flask - Life Flask

Stats to look for on gear and jewels - Life, Armour, Resists, Strength, Increased Fire Damage, Increased Spell Damage, Cast Speed (Turning Speed)

Levelling guide
For levelling I suggest opting into some of the close melee nodes or try running the normal Firestorm route of levelling as a majority of initial points revolve around defenses. When you feel comfortable switching to Scorching Ray is when you should (Suggested after you have atleast picked up Arsonist and possibly even after Explosive Impact wheel)

Vitality (As Life Regen is a large portion of our defenses)
Determination (Again for the Physical damage reduction, might be possible to drop this and pick up a different aura)



4L: Scorching Ray - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction - Rapid Decay/Empower
5L: Scorching Ray - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction - Rapid Decay - Empower
6L: Scorching Ray - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction - Rapid Decay - Empower - Iron Will

Other Links

Orb of Storms - Increased Critical Strikes - Curse on Hit - Flammability (For Cursing and activating Elemental Overload)

For the rest you can use a movement skill like Flame Dash - Faster Casting and you need 2 slots for aura's other than that no real specific choices, I don't believe running a CWDT - Immortal call setup is worth it as it will use your endurances charges which give 400life regen/s

Stats in Theory
With Mid Range Gear:

DPS at 8th Stage SR - 312k
Total Life - 8.1k
Life Regen - 1.4k/s
Total Armour - 51k

With Top Tier Gear:

DPS at 8th Stage SR - 402k
Total Life - 9.5k
Life Regen - 2k/s
Total Armour - 54k

This my first guide, so any thoughts and additions are welcome :)
Last edited by akane666 on Mar 19, 2017, 10:06:16 PM
Last bumped on Mar 19, 2017, 9:49:06 PM

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