2.6 Frost Blades DEADEYE - the right way to do Frostblades / Powerful Precision

Hi all,

I know Mathil recently started doing a frost blades build, and its ironic because I picked up the skill the same day but I felt there is a different way of doing the build, utilizing the DEADEYE ascendancy node POWERFUL PRECISION

The projectiles from the frostblades return to you after hitting a target, thus flooding the area with bouncing blades.

Here is a gif of watching the blades bounce around.


You want to focus on converting all your phy to cold, then taking advantage of the cold pen nodes.

Taking two [Fight for Survival] jewels is a must

I will also note this build is HC viable as its the only way I play, but it is hard because of the lack of HP nodes. (of course I also just recently died due to being cocky)

The only item I find mandatory are these gloves. The ability to ignite from heavy hitting crits really helps out your single target dps.

As for endgame weapons, since this is a crit based build, you will want Harpy swords

To help with tankiness i suggest a belly if you can afford one

Here is my full item list - which there are still lots of room for improvements, but look at my gems so you understand the build selection


Changes id suggest you add to the gems but I didnt because I ran out of chromes to get ideal slots would be:

For your CWDT: Immortal Call > Molten Shell > Enfeeble (not temp chains)

Id also move the Ancestral + flame golem to a 4 link and add blind to it to increase survivability. I use that totem and golem for damage boosting.

If you're doing this in SC, you can remove the Arctic Armor and swap in herald of ash or ice.


Kill all or Kraitlyn (to maximize bloodrage usage)

Leveling progression: I most note, you want to try and get the jewel socket ASAP as the Fight for Survival jewel greatly helps your dps.









For Ascendancy you want to get Powerful Precision > Rupture > Far Shot > Endless Munitions

The combination of bleed + ignite greatly improve your single target, while your powerful precision + farshot + pointblank greatly improve aoe clear speeds.

I chose swords for the bleed notes and attack speed, although im sure running this build with any other DW weapons, would work too. Let me know your thoughts!

Last bumped on Apr 3, 2017, 5:51:11 AM
I barely know what I'm doing in this game so I could certainly be wrong, but I thought that bleed is only based on the final physical damage so with 100% cold conversion your bleeds would do no damage. If I'm wrong I'd love to know as it would likely change some of my own planned builds.

I'm not sure if the mob is then still considered bleeding, just for 0 dmg/sec. If so, maybe the crit multiplier and chance for rupture still make it worthwhile?
Last edited by Ventripotent on Mar 20, 2017, 5:03:13 PM
this build has quite some issues, for example there are no res nodes at level 80 and the character has only 2.1k life, so you would need to cap res(over 100% res each) three times and also the need to up life to +/- 5k. of course playing with lower stats is possible, but you essentially have a glass canon in end-game content.

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