Burning Arrow Help.

So I am newish to Path of exile. I played it about a year ago then came back for Prophecy league and quit because I got nowhere with a lacerate duelist and returned for breach league and have put a total of 137 hours into the game. I have finally gotten my Deadeye Ranger to merciless and started mapping but have run into another brick wall. I am lvl 74 with about 12,472.7 DPS on my Burning Arrow and I have 2,596 health.
My gear includes:

(I do realize that my chest piece needs a green socket and am in the process of changing it for a single target Burning Arrow that I have in my inventory)
My skill tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAICAABeAO4FtQYjCC4IiRGBFSAV8BmOGf4bASF2I_YknST9JT8qTSzpMHEwfDGeMpQ1kjfUOdQ6QjqzPydDMUrIS3hM_02STeNOKlFHU7tTz1b6W69daF5FYlpjp2lObqpv8nsUe8N_An8rguSGs4bOiq-NfY2_kAqQEZLzlQWa8ZuNoJ-mV6bgp9Sr0q3CtfK_1cEzxKLKqdN-1CPWiti92cbajdqx3Q3dRt2o35jnVOjW7T_tg-969qP66_6P_sj_3g==


I would just like to know any tips to fix this build so that I could finally enjoy this league a bit before it ends in 5 days and the legacy league as well as I haven't been able to do breaches because I die nearly instantly and I can't do any maps above tier 5. I love the way this game is and I don't want to have to quit out of frustration due to not being able to make a decent build. Thank you for your support.
Last edited by imp637 on Feb 26, 2017, 12:22:34 PM
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2017, 1:12:35 PM
I am not a BA player, but the least i can say is :
drop Araku Tiki (completely useless to you on late game, get a life/res amu)
drop ventor's gamble (you clearly don't run a mf build)
drop those gloves for god sake ! (you don't even make endurance charge easily, you can look for life/res if needed or a more offensive choice like maligaro's virtuosity)
you apparently want to play on crit, pick those 2 crit multi nodes on lethality Wheel (down right corner)
you should make a choice between armor and evasion (you have 170% increased eva vs 60% armor...)
Look for more life on your tree you're only at 71% !!! (aim for atleast 140%, strictly minimum)
you took rupture on your ascendancy, you deal no phys damage so you can't make ennemy bleed -> stricly useless points)
you better pick far shot as it's a 1.3 multiplier.
here is a tree that might be better for you :
in comparison to your actual
damage 354% vs 368%
Attack speed 50% vs 34%
life 113% vs 71%
evasion 234% vs 226%
critical strike chance 352% vs 280%
critical strike multiplier 104% vs 80%
accuracy +624/+132% vs +564/50% (acc is as important as critical strike chance for crit build)
down side 15% all resist vs 57% but you can make up for them by getting rare items
you can get more life/crit playing around the shadow part like this
which requires level 83 if you have killed bandits on every difficulty
hope this can help you

last thing i didn't take in account jewel so you might have to drop some damage to get jewel slot (never drop life nodes !)
Last edited by keazer on Feb 26, 2017, 4:08:13 PM
I am gonna cut right to the chase: Your character is very messed up. Start over :( Sorry. Your item choices are wrong. Your skill setup is wrong. Your skill tree setup is wrong.
The good news is: you should not feel bad. This happens to a lot of newer players in this game. So don't feel bad about this.

That's my first advice.

Second: Whatever build you want to be playing you should follow a guide! Why? Because Path of Exile is not a simple game to get into.

Third: Follow a simple guide. Really. Instead of going for "weird" build with a lot of fancy uniques and utilizing burn mechanics you should really instead try out a much much simpler build. Just trust me on this one. If you like to play bow builds just search for the Neversink bow build. Read the whole guide.

Fourth: You might be thinking "I just used 137 hours to get to lvl 74 and gather these items. I am not starting over". Well if you are a really slow player you should get to lvl 70 as a bow build (without any leveling items / currency to roll good items and so on) in 16 hours or so. You can search youtube for speedleveling runs to 70. Those take 6-8 hours (without leveling items - even faster with good leveling items). So read a guide. Knowledge is power :)
Last edited by Frankenberry on Feb 28, 2017, 2:14:30 PM

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