Orb Finder Windripper Deadeye Ranger

*Build Preview*
This is one of my favorite builds and I will be making a "build preview" for it slowly! Its still in progress, so stay tuned!

*Disclaimer* This is a build preview and not a build guide so I won’t be answering any questions through private message but I might answer them in this thread.

Build Idea
After mapping for hours collecting useless rares and hating having to identify everything, I thought: There has to be a better way. Then I decided to create a build that would be able to map comfortably, while also having as much Increased Item Quantity(IIQ) as possible with barely any Increased Item Rarity(IIR) so that I can farm orbs like Pacman and divination cards. It turns out it is very possible and incredibly fun!

Pros and Cons
-Tons of orbs! Alchemy orbs, Orb of Fusings, Orb of Scourings, Regal Orbs, Chaos orbs, Cartographer’s Chisels, Gemcutter’s Prisms, Orb of Regrets, etc.
-Fast clear speed! Quicksilver always up, Blink Arrow for jumps.
-Nice Dps! Very possible to have 40k Lightning arrow tooltip dps, which is quite good. High end builds might have around 100k.
-Moderately safe! 60% dodge and 50% spell dodge, with decent evasion(around 9k for me; 40% chance to evade)
-Most of all: super fun! Tons of orbs, shattering everything with huge Herald of Ice explosions, nice clear speed, it has it all!

-Not very “Hardcore viable”. While you have decent evasion and dodge, you also have 4 to 4.5k life. You can easily kill yourself to reflect, high hitters, and volatiles.
-Very mana starved. You can get one mana leech node and it will mostly solve your problems, but I like to rely on Assassin’s mark and a Divination Distillate instead.
-No leech or vaal pact. This is on purpose so that you can use divination distillate.
-Not beginner friendly. You need a lot of specific things on gear (which will be discussed in this Preview) and some fine-tuning based on what you have available on the trade forums etc. Leveling can be a struggle and getting the build to comfortable map clearing status might be troublesome.
-Moderately expensive. While 6 links aren’t entirely required, it helps your DPS a lot, as with most builds. A few of the uniques might be expensive and the jewelry will probably be expensive.

The Build

Final build (lvl96 or so):

Considered "full build" (lvl 80 or so):

Item Explanations


As far as IIQ on weapons go, Windripper is king. It has very good dps, and you have 15% IIQ on shattered enemies, so its fantastic for this build. A 5link will work well, and with all the orbs you'll be collecting, you'll be able to afford a 6link in no time. With a 5link your mana costs will be low enough that you can manage your mana through assassin's mark and divination distillate against trash mobs, and if you start having trouble against tankier mobs like rares or bosses, you can curse them with Poachers Mark for mana gained on hit and increased chance to hit them. When you've upgraded to a 6link, you may want to get a mana leech node, but its still possible to stay with the 5link approach.

Hyrri's Ire is perfect for this build. While it doesn't have life, it has high evasion and 10% dodge/spell dodge, which is highly underrated in my opinion. It even has a good amount of cold damage added to attacks, so it increases our dps and cold damage is perfect because we want to shatter. The chill duration is quite useless but hey I'll take it.

Sadima's touch for the IIQ. The added fire damage to attacks actually has a use against enemies with the undying aura and necrovigil, if you can bait them around while running to the next pack. Since it has a small intelligence requirement, its a good item to throw the Herald of Ice setup into.

Goldwyrm is also for the IIQ. The mana regen is great for leveling and useful for this build because we don't get mana leech if we can help it.

We only use 1 ventors gamble because we want DPS and more tailored defences on our diamond ring. We need to get the best rolls we can on everything except rarity, but we also want rarity to be at least positive. The better rolls you can get, the easier it will be to gear up. This might be expensive, but you can find some good deals.

You really want Crit multi, Life, Resists, and elemental damage, whether that be WED or flat elemental damage. If you can get both WED and flat elemental damage then thats great, but its hard and expensive so good luck. You could also get accuracy.

You'll definitely want life and resists on the amulet, but the dps mods will be hard to find. You want Flat elemental damage, Wed, Crit multi, and accuracy. I would prioritize flat elemental damage and crit multi since you can't get those easily on a ring or helmet.

This is the sexiest windripper diamond ring I have ever seen. You want this. But this is mine and I'll never let go of it.

For the belt, aside from life and resists, you definitely want as much WED as you can get and a flask mod. In my first Orb finder build I got Flask duration and it worked great. This time around I got Increased Flask charges gained and that works well too. We already get a lot of flask nodes in the tree, so getting it on gear really enhances the whole flask experience.

The helm is surprisingly hard to come by, but has a reasonable price. The 4 mods you really want on the helm are: Life, Resist, Accuracy, and Intelligence. If you can get high evasion too, then great, but if you want to be a cheapskate, you can ignore it. You want at least 40 int and as high accuracy as you can get. The more life and resists you can get, the easier it will be to get your other items.

This is just my flask setup and it works well, but yours might be different. We rely on the diamond flask a lot because we're only 60% chance to crit with full power charges, but its always up so it feels fine. The divination distillate serves as our mana flask and give some much desired IIQ. It also works great in burning ground and desecrated ground maps because its always on. The quicksilver and instant bleeding flask are there for obvious reasons. The Quartz flask is probably the most interesting flask I'm using. I think the Quartz Flask is another highly underrated flask; it gives 10% dodge and spell dodge and its always up! And you can even run through enemies! It basically makes you immune to anything you want to put on it, I chose freezing.

You can get a lot of DPS from your jewels. The most desirable mods are crit multi and life. You could also get area damage, projectile damage, general damage, critical strike chance, and %accuracy. I don't recommend Lightning Damage or Cold damage because then you're only scaling a portion of your DPS. I got resists on them because I wanted to be Ele weakness capped and they were fairly cheap. These crit multi mods coincide almost perfectly with vaal spark mods so they will be expensive if you try to get all the crit multi.

Last edited by Eww on Jan 16, 2017, 5:32:07 PM
Last bumped on May 5, 2017, 10:16:46 PM
How you idea to make a tornado shot?

Item Quantity->Add lightning damage->Pierce->Tornado shot->Add cold damage->WED in Windripper and wear Kaom's heart
Instead of your belt can use Headhunter belt
Also can use Vinktar's flask and Dying sun
Last edited by northwood22 on May 5, 2017, 8:46:30 PM
"spend 100ex on this build and it is better"

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