[BSC] Build help Flame Inquicerate

Hi all.

I'm trying to do my own build using Lacerate and Ngamahu's Flame. I started trying to do the build my own (I played Ngamahu + Cyclone + Raider and it was super fun, similar to Aggnog's Raider)

I looked up some guides to get a reference and found Electrozombi's Witch version but i wanted to convert fully to fire and (originally) planned to go crit for Inevitable Judgement, down the line I realised that Crit with 2h Axe would be very difficult so i modified to RT and am focusing on penetrating fire resist with the 10% extra from Inevitable Judgement.

My current idea's on gem links;

Ngamahu's Flame -> Phys Projectile, GMP, WED, conc effect, fire pen, elemental focus.

Body 4/5/6L -> Lacerate, Multistrike, Inc AOE, Life Leech, (Added Fire/WED/Faster Attacks/Fire Pen), (Choose last one from previous). (I'm thinking of going WED and Fire Pen not sure on attack speed at the moment)

Herald of Ash is a given, Arctic armour for fire mitigation, blood rage for attacks peed and frenzy generation but i have been toying with the idea of Hatred with Pyre thrown in the mix.
I swapped to Blood Magic so i can't reserve too much and Herald of ash is probably best unless I used an essence worm for Hatred but then i have no spare ring slots because of pyre.

Leap Slam, Fortify, Faster Attacks (Herald of Ash)

CWDT, Immortal Call, Increased duration, Chaos Golem

last setup i'm struggling to choose, I'm thinking of an Ancestral Protector/Warchief setup but again i'm not sure.

My current tree is mainly pathing due to having most nice nodes near duelist/marauder.

Level 40 tree

target lv 90~

Oak, krait/oak, kill/krait

Inquisitor; Righteous Providence, Inevitable Judgement, Augury of Penitence, Instruments of Virtue.

Current list of planned unique's Or ones I feel would do the build justice

Any advice, Improvements to tree, Better Uniques or skill gem setup's?

Hit me where it hurts if this build sucks.

Build's Referenced

Aggnog's Raider Cyclone

Electrozombi's Elementalist Lacerate

Reddit Post

Edit: swapped to Blood Magic got rid of Hatred, Pyre, Arctic armour, Blood Rage and Snakebite. (Thank you sergus12)
Last edited by nekushiggles on Jan 10, 2017, 10:31:41 AM
Last bumped on Feb 28, 2017, 3:53:12 AM
The mana cost is gonna be insane... What about going for blood magic? You could keep herald of ash, but not arctic armour though.
sergus12 wrote:
The mana cost is gonna be insane... What about going for blood magic? You could keep herald of ash, but not arctic armour though.

So if i went blood magic 12.5% of my life would be reserved yes?
I'm actually asking because I've never reserved life through the BM passive tree(Usually play Hc and don't like the idea of lowering my health pool) and I just got done reading passive tree leech scenario so i can't leech through that.
If i did go BM what links would you suggest seeing as i currently have no leech at all,
Lacerate->Multistrike->WED->IncAoE->LLeech->Fire Pen?

Edit: I swapped to BM and It's much more sustainable, having to run 3 health pots but i am only low level and haven't worked out how i'll leech yet if i need to.
Last edited by nekushiggles on Jan 10, 2017, 10:06:30 AM
I think spend 4 ascend point just for 10% pen too expensive. If you wanna addition fire pen. take Chiftain.

In this setup fire pen < melee phys. dmg,.
x*1.48*1.49 > x*1.85 => x*2.2052 > x*1.85 (vs 0 res) or melee phys. better for ~19,2%
x*1.49*.73 < x*1.1 => x*1.0877 < x*1.1 (vs 75 res) or fire pen better for ~1,13082651466397%
https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740943/page/1#p22777382 - переход на офф клиент.

Last edited by Wasfill on Jan 10, 2017, 10:53:36 AM
Also, I would not go for this belt (the doryani). This build will seriously lack life. I play myself the Agnogg's cyclone raider, and to get to 5K life is already tough. Better go for a belt with lots of strength and life.
What's wrong with a big mana cost? That just means mega healing from Zerphi's flask in legacy league

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