[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert


nothing really changed. if you can get your hands on the new jewels which adds one acendancy passive and pick the 40% more from beserker

This Build uses the Facebreaker Gloves wich means we play UNARMED - you get all the info you need here:
How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!

(These Facebreaker are only for showcase purpose, dont look at the gems inside)

Check also out one of my other Builds or if you are interested in, some of my Hideouts i built for the community


First of all i have to say that nearly ALL your question will be answerd in this Guide IF you read it carefully!

Q: Where can i find the Gem links?
A: In the Detailed Gear Section.

Q: What should i take until i get some Facebreakers for lvling ?
A: A high physical dps rare(unique) 2Hand weapon.

Q: What is the Path of Building Link you posted in the Skill Tree section?
A: Path of Building is a great offline build planner for Path of Exile. Just download the latest version and dont forget to hit the update button for the newest version. After that you can import the Link i posted:

Q: Why is my DMG so low compared to yours?
A: Check your gear for high flat phys dmg. Just a few add phys dmg gives us a HUGE dmg boost.

Q: My rings and amulet are realy good but my dmg still sucks!
A: Have u checked your weapon slot ? Because with Facebreakers we play UNARMED! You should also check your Game Options and uncheck "Auto-Equip"

Uncheck Auto-Equip

Q: How i can get the Loreweave Chest?
A: You need to vendor a whole inventory full of unique rings
Vendor Recipe

Q: Can i use Bringer of Rain because i dont like Abyssus?
A: Sure you can, if u prefer it. But you will not reach the same dmg with it ;)

Q: Why u choose Loreweave over Belly of the Beast?
A: Because it gives us the most offence and defense (it has lower life but up to 78% max res is a huge Defense boost (wich also cant be lowered from -%max res modifier).

Q: I have all ur items but i still get oneshotted from enemys like Minotaur etc!
A: This is no facetank trololol Build. You need good movement skills (shield charge helps).

Q: What would you change for HC?
A: Switch Abyssus for Bringer of Rain/Deidbellow or another high flat phys Helm (if you play safe you can also survive easy with Abyssus and to be honest, you will use a logout macro anyway :P).

Q: At wich level should i cap Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call/Steelskin?
xythian wrote:
Target your CWDT to activate at somewhere between 20-33% of your maximum health and then max out the triggered gems as high as your CWDT will allow them. The discretionary part is the tradeoff between having a less potent benefit that activates more frequently (20% health) vs a stronger benefit that activates less frequently (33% health).

As a new player, I'd say split the difference and go for a ~25% max health trigger.

tbh i am a very lazy player, thats why you see my cwdt/immortal call setup at lvl 20. i choosed this because this way cwdt will also recast my golem and i never had a problem with this setup so far

...to be continued

If you have any questions about your Gear, please be sure to unhide your character tab:

Table of Contents
1. Videos
2. Pro & Contra
3. Ascendancy
4. Bandits
5. Gear
6. Skilltree & PoB
7. The Pantheon
8. Enchantments
9. Leveling Guide
10. My other Builds
11. Hardcore Changes
12. League Specific Items
13. Community Feedback

Pro & Contra

over 6k Life
over 2000 life/s with enduring cry
up to 90% physical reduction fullbuffed
hard to die because you stay behind your Totems
can do all map mods (no reg only with a mana flask on the Beginner version)
at lvl 16+ (facebreakers) all content ezpz
perfect for hard bosses like Ulab/Uatziri/guardians/Shaper/Elder
Totems leech life for us
clear speed is average
Totem playstyle is not for everyone


First we go to Ngamahu, Flame's Advance because here we get 50% Phys to fire (100% with Avatar of Fire) and some nice Extra Fire dmg every 6 seconds

After that we take Tasalio, Cleansing Water because this gives us alot defense mechanics and +100% additional Fire res. This provides us with alot more choices in our gear.

Than we take Arohongui, Moon's Presence because this makes our Totems immune to fire so we can do reflect maps without any problems and also get some nice defense & offence bonus from this node

At last we go to Tukohama, War's Herald because this gives us some nice additonal Leech effect for our Totems and completes our healing Mechanic (together with Enduring Cry). It also provides some little dmg and utility buffs.

Kill all - for two addtional Skill Points



Detailed & Gem Links

Abyssus gives us the most adds # - # physical dmg to attacks ingame. If you are scared about the Phys dmg taken malus, you can also take the Deidbell (or better the upgraded Version Deidbellow, which you can get by doing the "Dying Cry" Prophecy).

Here we link our Enduring Cry together with the Flame Dash + Life Tap so we dont waste Mana which we need for our Totems. Additional we put in Blood and Sand but WITHOUT being linked to the other gems.

Gems: Enduring Cry -> Flame Dash -> Life Tap & Blood and Sand

The Great Old One's Ward is the best Physical attack dmg Shield.

The Vix Lunaris is a good Quality of Life tradeoff with the "Cannot be Frozen" and with the right corruption you can go up to a lvl 25er Herald of Purity & Ash. Your dmg will be nearly the same.

Another good defense Mechanic is the Redblade Banner Shield which gives alot cooldown recovery speed for our Warcry. This means we can recast it alof more often = higher uptime on our Enduring Cry Life reg and buffs. You also get Infinity Warcry Power.

BiS would be a crafted Rare with +1 Totems and Socketed Gems have 15% reduced Reservation. On top of that you could also add some resistances or whatever you need.

Here we put in our Aura/Herald Setup with the higest Mana Reservation. Note that we pick the Herald of Purity only for the damage boost. The minions dont bother us.

Gems: Herald of Ash -> Herald of Purity -> Clarity

The best and cheapest Armour for us is the Loreweave. This armour gives us a huge dps boost, some life and raises the max resistances up to 78% (and they are fix, which means it cant go lower from map mods like -12% max res). The Belly of the Beast is good alternative with around ~ +700 life.
Try to get a Vaal Ancestral Warchief, or switch to it as soon as possible from a normal Ancestral Warchief because if gives us a HUGE dmg boost when using the Vaal Skill. Perfect for fast killing bosses and easier mapping because the vaal totems jump to the next target by themself.

If you reached the far Endgame you can start to switch out all the gems for it Awakened forms and get a huge dmg boost.

Gems: (Vaal) Ancestral Warchief -> Multistrike -> Elemental Damage with Attacks -> Multiple Totems Support -> Fire Penetration -> Elemental Focus

The Facebreaker should be clear - if you can, get some with a Curse on hit corruption, Enfeeble for defense or Elemental Weakness for offence.

He we run our main movement setup with shield charge as a fast way to travel from a to b. We also pick one Ancestral Protector which we drop after casting our Warchief Totem at bosses to max out our dps. All together linked with Lifetap so we dont waste our Mana.

Gems: Shield Charge -> Faster Attacks -> Lifetap -> Ancestral Protector

The Meginord is the best starter belt.

Your next upgrade can be a Darkness Enthroned with a Blind/Taunt on hit Jewel in it, together with life and phys damage.

You can switch it later with a good crafted Sygian Belt with Life, Res & (Elemental) Damage. Put in an Abyss Jewel with Taunt and/or Blind on hit together with Life and Damage.

The Headhunter is best for Mapping as always (you get the Mods when your Totems kill a Rare).

The Death's Door are expensive but give good Quality of Life bonus with "Cannot be inflicted with Bleeding" (perfect for farming the Labyrinth).

The Atziri's Steps are a cheap alternative for Spell Dodge & Life.

You can also take the Redblade Tramplers which gives additional Physical Dmg.

For farming Maps i prefer some multicrafted rares. Look for high Chaos Res and Life and craft Movement Speed/Cannot be Chilled and Cannot be Frozen on it with the Multicraft craft.

Here we put in our Cast When Damage Taken Setup together with Life Tap because since 3.15 triggered gems by CWDT also costs Mana. Look at the FAQ for the perfect lvl on CWDT + the Gem Setup.

The Vaal Cold Snap offers us some nice Frenzy Charge generation.

Gems: CWDT -> Immortal Call -> Life Tap -> Vaal Cold Snap

Rings and Amulet with high adds # - # Physical damage to Attacks and all Resistance you need, because its the only way for us to cap our Res (Steel Rings are ofc the BIS). Another good Amulet is the Bloodgrip, wich provides nearly bleed immunity (good for the Labyrinth), ~100 life reg, good life roll and average phys dmg. Best in slot would be a Shaper/Elder Amulet with additional dmg mods.

Be Careful: Your Fire Resistances should always be the highest so you can still get the DMG bonus from your "Wise Oak"-Flask!

Try to aim for a Turquoise Amulet base because it offers some additional Dex and Int.


Heart of Flame
Command of Steel
Divine Judgement

Heart of Oak
Discipline and Training

Mana Flows

Overall i would say Tenacity is the best because if gives the most dmg and a bit additional life. If you still have Mana problems i would go with Mana Flows.

The normal Jewels you need should have each three of these Stats:

1. Prefix
% increased maximum Life
2. Prefix
% increased Fire Damage
% increased Totem Damage
% increased Global Physical Damage
% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
1. Suffix
% increased Melee Damage
% increased Area Damage
% increased Attack Speed

Your Abyss Jewel in your Stygian Vise Belt should have the highest Flat Physical Dmg roll as possible together with a good life roll.
Note: try to get it with #% Chance to Taunt Enemys on Hit with Attacks so your totems additional taunt the enemys.

Here are some examples:

In the endgame you want to switch your normal jewels for Abyss Jewels with the following stats:

1. Prefix
+36 to maximum Life
1. Suffix
Adds 5 to 7 Physical Damage to Attacks
2. Suffix
5% increased Attack Speed

The Replica Fragile Bloos is another BiS jewel for us. It offers us up to 3,5% life reg after hit.

The first we need are a Bleed immunity Hybrid Flask, if u dont use the Bloodgrip Amulet or the Death's Door Boots (I prefer a Hybrid Flask for it). Now we need a Freeze Immunity one and a Curse Immunity one (i prefer a Sulphur & a Basalt Flask). After that try to get the Lion's Roar (best dmg flask) and Wise Oak.

You can also switch some of the Flasks if you already have Immunity to specific ailments from your gear.

What is Path of Building
Path of Building is a great offline build planner for Path of Exile. Just download the latest version and dont forget to hit the update button for the newest version. After that you can import the Link i posted:

Skill Tree & PoB lvl 1 - 100

Path of Building Import Link

the most important thing is Resolute Technique. After that we pick Ancestral Bond and AFTER we got Ngamahu, Flame's Advance from the Labyrinth we pick up Avatar of Fire

Note: Take the +30 Dex/Int notes only if you need them ;) e.g. you can roll these stats on the rings if you can handle the resistance

Skill Tree Parts level 1 - 100

Note: These Parts are only for showing you they way through the Tree. Dont look at the Ascendancy or Bandits in here, they might be wrong/different from the main Build!

Part 1 - Start

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 - Complete

Part 7 - LvL 100

The Pantheon

Major Pantheon

The Soul of Brine King wich provides us 50% reduced Effect of Chill on You if your captured Nassar, Lion of the Seas in the Reef Map. This is very helpfull because chill can be very dangerous for a Totem player if you dont have ur anti Freeze flask up.

The Soul of Arakaali is a good alternative with 5% reduced Damage taken from Damage Over Time. You can upgrade this Soul with some nice additional effects like 30% reduced Effect of Shock & Shock duration and 25% Chaos Resistance against Damage Over Time.

The Soul of Lunaris gives us up to 8% physical reduction against groups of enemys. The upgrades from this Soul arent realy helpfull at all.

The Soul of Solaris gives us up to 6& physical reduction against single enemys. You can upgrade this Soul with some nice additional effects like Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you have taken a Critical Strike Recently

Minor Pantheon

The Soul of Abberath because i like to be Unaffected by Burning Ground.

The Soul of Gruthkul is a good alternative wich provides us up to 5% additional physical dmg reduction.

The Soul of Ralakesh is a good alternative too with 25% chance to avoid Bleeding and 25% reduced Physical Damage over Time Damage taken while moving if you dont use the Death's Door Boots.

The Soul of Ryslatha can help you in the Labyrinth with Life Flasks gain 3 Charges every 3 seconds if you haven't used a Life Flask Recently.

The Soul of Shakari is also a good Chaos reduction choice with works very well together with the Major Soul of Arakaali. It provides 5% reduced chaos damage taken & 25% reduced chaos damage over time taken while on caustic ground and gives you 50% Less Duration of Poisons on You after Capturing Terror of the Infinite Drifts in the Desert Spring Map.



For DMG:
40% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage
Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 30% increased Melee Damage while Active
For Defense:
30% increased Enduring Cry Cooldown Recovery Speed
36% increased Enduring Cry Buff Effect
For Others:
12% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Radius


For DMG:
Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently
For Defense:
Regenerate 2.0% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently
8% chance to Dodge Spell Damage if you've taken Spell Damage Recently
10% Chance to Dodge if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently
For Others:
10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently


Remember: The best we can get is an on hit corruption (Temporal Chains for defense, Elemental Weakness for Offence).

But the best Enchantment would be Cast Commandment of Reflection when Hit (because the clone takes some dmg for us)

Leveling Guide

Skill Tree Parts level 1 - 100

Note: These Parts are only for showing you they way through the Tree. Dont look at the Ascendancy or Bandits in here, they might be wrong/different from the main Build!

Part 1 - Start

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6 - Complete

Part 7 - LvL 100

Take "Facebreakers" asap ;)

They go up to 800%, but for lvling u can also use 600% one and you will not notice a real difference

Q: Why is my DMG so low compared to yours?
A: Check your gear for high flat phys dmg. Just a few add phys dmg gives us a HUGE dmg boost!!!

This is the Gem Order for 1-6 Links

(Vaal) Ancestral Warchief -> Melee Physical Damage -> Elemental Damage with Attacks -> Multiple Totems Support -> Fire Penetration -> Elemental Focus

At lvl 1 take Ground Slam
At lvl 8 take Additional Accuracy until u get the "Resolute Technique" Note
At lvl 10 take Shield Charge for Movement (wich is also nice for lvling if you have some Facebreaker)
At lvl 16 take the Facebreaker. If you dont have some, pick a Rare/Unique 2Hand weapon with high physical Dmg (With Facebreaker i prefer lvling with Ground Slam and Shield Charge).
At lvl 18 take Melee Physical Damage, Elemental Damage with Attacks & Elemental Focus
At lvl 28 take Ancestral Warchief
At lvl 31 take Fire Penetration
At lvl 38 take Multiple Totems

I prefer these Items for Lvling ;)

Goldrim is nice for Resistance problems, but should be switch to Deidbell at lvl 33 because this helm gives us 10 - 20 Flat Physical Dmg!

The Tabula Rasa is as always BIS Body Armor for lvling because of the free 6L. All other Rare armor is also good ;)

The Seven League Step are Perandus League exclusive Boots but can maybe obtain through Zana's map device. Easier to get are the Wanderlust Boots wich you can take until the endgame (or better Rares)

The best Shields for Lvling is The Deep One's Hide with 4 - 8 Flat Physical Dmg.
Good alternatives are Crest of Perandus because of its high life roll and Trolltimber Spire so our totems leech some life for us.

At lvl 8 you should use the Meginord's Girdle with 5 - 15 Flat Physical Dmg! You will use this belt until you can replace it with some sick crafted Stygian Vise belt in the very Endgame.

My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Last edited by guggelhupf on Feb 3, 2022, 7:53:52 PM
Last bumped on Jul 19, 2024, 1:55:43 PM

Hardcore Changes

IMPORTANT: This may be OUTDATED because its some leagues ago and some things have changed

All credits go to eraaa245 wich is playing my Build in HC. here is his Twitch Channel and his zerker at lvl 87 in Path of Building. At his twitch Channel you can also watch some Uberlab runs. If you have any questions please ask HIM and NOT ME ;)

For Hardcore we highly recommend some changes while farming Uberlab

First of all we should realy change our Abyssus with Deidbell and even better the fated Deidbellow while we go through the traps and change back to Abyssus in the Izaro fight (we could also still use the other helmet if we are to scared ;))

Gem Setup: Shield Charge -> Faster Attacks -> Fortify -> Blood Magic

We also use a Brightbeak in a weapon swap or just put it in our main hand while traveling through the traps. In this weapon we use a Leap Slam setup for faster and saver running

Gems Setup: Leap Slam -> Faster Attacks -> Blood Magic

We can also decide to play with our Stone Golem out of our CWDT setup, so we cast it ourself and have a 100% uptime

Gem Setup: CWDT -> Immortal Call -> Increased Duration | Stone Golem

The recommend Pantheons are Soul of Solaris & Soul of Gruthkul for overall better defense

Here i will list some item suggestions for each league. I will only put them into the core build if parts of the league will be a part of the core game later.

parruONE wrote:
Thanks for great build! I have been rockin first on berserker marauders on world on ps4 and started few weeks back. This build is the bomb!

frawrst wrote:
been playing this in SSF flashback, got super lucky with a 732 FB drop, then got the deidbellow prophecy.

currently cruising through yellows with not a care. super budget gear (SSF... but probably less than 20c) and i have about 380k dps per totem (only rocking 2, havent rolled a good +1 totem yet)

i skip multi totem and go for brutality. run haste and HoP instead of HoA and Hatred

very strong build and very detailed guide. a+ would recommend for anyone who is looking for an uber killer on a budget

Maldrogs wrote:
hello, i just wanted to stop by and say thank you for making this build guide:) i'm currently leveling up and having lots of fun:)

saucefar2 wrote:
Fantastic guide and build, i prefer not to use build guides, but all the hard work you put into this one, it would be a insult not to try it.

Once you pick up infernal blow this build really starts to pick up.

frawrst wrote:
can state this builds is absolutely bonkers on a budget for league starts.

serker 40% more and warcry heal will carry you to reds on low rolled facebreakers, with lab running be a very easy and very good way to make currency

only negative is the totem playstyle isnt for everyone

Ryzykun wrote:
I am currently doing this build as my starter and am currently at level 59 - Act 8. This build is obliterating everything that comes across it :D

Many thanks for the fun build!

Baldr0 wrote:
Ok, get Uber elder on my second attempt with 2 portal left. Didnt know the fight so was a bit messy but my damage carried me very hard.

BoostedJp wrote:
My character reached level 89 with hard core.
This character is the second character of the league, but it began with almost no asset.
Stack rage in the room in front of Izaro, even deidbellow is enough dps so it is safe to make labyrinth farm.

Thank you for a nice build!

Nuttyhater wrote:
To the op thanks for the build even though I switched to tanky variant had the easiest scaling to 97 for most of the builds I've used the last few leagues.

Hi there,

I just want to thank you for this fantastic guide, it’s so fun to play with the chieftain via this totem set up. I had another chieftain on The Eye of innocence’s set up (ignite) but not as good as this for bossing. I definitely recommend this guide to anyone who want to play chieftain totem!

My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Last edited by guggelhupf on Sep 4, 2020, 8:40:52 AM
Hi pls update your tree.Thx
Looks really interesting!
Mind taking screenshots with non legacy facebreakers as well so people playing prophecy can see the full dmg. potential there? :)

Cheers, Zahkriisos!
Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Last edited by guggelhupf on Jun 21, 2020, 3:00:56 PM
guggelhupf wrote:
The Tree works fine, u just need to click 3 times (or CTRL+A) because the spoiler hide the rest of the line. but i will add it from another site to see it better ;)

And i added Screenshots with non legacy ones ;)

damn thats still a ton of dmg, with non legacy facebreakers, thx for posting! :)
Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
added a short 4 min Atziri Run video
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
added a full Uber Lab run Video with Argus
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
As much as I appreciate both of your vids (which are great!) why this annoying song?!

Just my opinion tho...
Trying to satisfy the whole PoE community is like telling a nymphomaniac to only have sex once in a week.

I think that's fairly accurate. :')
because in germany there is a GEMA company wich block most of all videos with random music in it, so i had to take a song, where im sure it will not be blocked :D for the next videos i try to find another song :D

atm i try to make a new video. uber atziri with a friend who plays the same build ^^
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Last edited by guggelhupf on Jul 1, 2016, 6:38:49 AM

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