RPGIGAN Crafting League Necro (PL48401)

RPGIGAN Crafting League Necro (PL48401)

Start Time:May 4, 2024, 2:00:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:May 14, 2024, 2:00:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland)
League Type:PoE1 PC - SSF Necropolis
Players:23 / 30
Increased Monster Damage II
Monsters deal 20% increased Damage.
Monsters deal 20% increased Damage.
No Magic or Rare Items Drop
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.


Rank Account Character Class Level
1 Jimmy_mnemonic Champion 100
2 reynar_breach Pathfinder 98
3 HeijiRecargado Chieftain 97
4 IRunGiganTown Elementalist 89
5 Victas Trickster 88
6 Witch_RPGIGAN Occultist 79
7 wikidfps_pl Hierophant 77
8 Necro_SSF_Reset Hierophant 47
9 frezerjg Hierophant 46
10 SmallShit_Ass Ranger 25
