Mozaran League Season XII (PL51986)
Mozaran League Season XII (PL51986)
Start Time:Sep 30, 2024, 8:00:00 PM (America/New_York)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Oct 10, 2024, 8:00:00 PM (America/New_York)
League Type:PoE1 PC - SSF Settlers
Players:148 / 180

Increased Monster Damage I
Monsters deal 10% increased Damage.
Increased Monster Speed I
Monsters have 10% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Additional Monster Projectiles
Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
Increased Monster Area of Effect I
Monsters have 35% increased Area of Effect
Reduced Player Resistances I
Players have -20% to all Resistances
No Magic or Rare Items Drop
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.
Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | 바다뱀장어#3680 | 모자란_순대장어 | Gladiator | 96 |
2 | Notmayman#3220 | 모자란_글래디피순대 | Gladiator | 96 |
3 | 우리모두좀비#1823 | 모자란_새키 | Gladiator | 95 |
4 | 우끼랄라라#7564 | 모자란_우끼 | Gladiator | 94 |
5 | 크카케크#7736 | 모자란_크카케크 | Slayer | 94 |
6 | 델리아크#3581 | 모자란_아이스맨 | Duelist | 94 |
7 | JackoS_1st#5530 | 모자란_비비드 | Slayer | 94 |
8 | REDMARSZ#5765 | 모자란_블랙 | Assassin | 94 |
9 | oirainhunter#2004 | 모자란_야채도둑 | Gladiator | 94 |
10 | yonggage#3203 | 모자란보복 | Gladiator | 94 |