James and Amphis League in Ult (PL16157)
James and Amphis League in Ult (PL16157)
Start Time:May 28, 2021, 7:00:00 AM (America/New_York)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Jun 7, 2021, 7:00:00 AM (America/New_York)
League Type:PoE1 PC - SSF Ultimatum
Players:630 / 910

Increased Monster Damage I
Monsters deal 10% increased Damage.
Increased Monster Life I
Monsters have 20% more Life
Increased Monster Speed I
Monsters have 10% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Increased Monster Elemental Damage I
Monsters gain 15% of Physical Damage as extra Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage
Additional Monster Projectiles
Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
Reduced Player Resistances I
Players have -20% to all Resistances
Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | Jisoon1#1415 | 성지순___ | Champion | 98 |
2 | 미지의유니버스#6191 | 크라잉넛 | Juggernaut | 97 |
3 | hackability#3232 | 해커빌리티_엠피스리그 | Chieftain | 97 |
4 | 뀌여운엑린이#4618 | 엠피스_챠콜색_가디건 | Guardian | 96 |
5 | 미녀니#4334 | DaJak_ah | Necromancer | 96 |
6 | dgfhio2844#1495 | 제임스_불로만_결전 | Warden | 95 |
7 | awat2r#6894 | awater_james_LS | Warden | 95 |
8 | ZZOONIST#2629 | 돌아온브브걸 | Saboteur | 95 |
9 | Tihon0#6992 | Tihon_HC | Elementalist | 95 |
10 | nagmint#5476 | nag_J | Elementalist | 94 |