GauntletPracticeRatJam (PL24890)
GauntletPracticeRatJam (PL24890)
Start Time:Jan 23, 2023, 9:55:15 AM (America/Chicago)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Feb 12, 2023, 9:55:15 AM (America/Chicago)
League Type:PoE1 PC - SSF Sanctum
Players:10 / 10

Increased Monster Damage II
Monsters deal 20% increased Damage.
Increased Monster Life II
Monsters have 40% more Life
Increased Monster Speed II
Monsters have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Additional Monster Projectiles
Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
Increased Monster Area of Effect I
Monsters have 35% increased Area of Effect
Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | Audio82#7642 | Franks_Test_For_Death | Pathfinder | 43 |
2 | Benjiee#6452 | XfEightysix_GauntletIV | Templar | 25 |
3 | Throwawayluan123#7399 | GOAGANETANKRHOAS | Marauder | 15 |
4 | Audio82#7642 | TerribleIdeaa | Witch | 15 |
5 | Benjiee#6452 | XfEightySix_GauntletVI | Marauder | 11 |
6 | Benjiee#6452 | XfEightysix_GauntletII | Witch | 7 |
7 | Benjiee#6452 | XfEightysix_GauntletI | Witch | 7 |
8 | Benjiee#6452 | XfEighysix_GauntletV | Marauder | 6 |
9 | Benjiee#6452 | XfEightysix_GauntletIII | Templar | 6 |
10 | Throwawayluan123#7399 | CanTankRhoas | Marauder | 6 |