Friends With Benefits Blight SC (PL5674)
Friends With Benefits Blight SC (PL5674)
Start Time:Sep 6, 2019, 3:00:00 PM (America/Chicago)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Sep 26, 2019, 3:00:00 PM (America/Chicago)
League Type:PoE1 PC - Blight
Players:22 / 30

Rank | Account | Character | Class | Level |
1 | Tandoran#3606 | Buccaa | Saboteur | 95 |
2 | tranquilera#5447 | Tasku | Necromancer | 95 |
3 | LeNzYFly#7107 | LeNzYSpectres | Necromancer | 94 |
4 | EzzyFrag#6847 | EzzyGoingMeta | Necromancer | 94 |
5 | RescuePenguin#6893 | PenguinBlight | Assassin | 91 |
6 | Kikis118#5329 | Kikis_IcicleMines | Saboteur | 91 |
7 | LoDAlphA#6708 | AlphA_Mines | Saboteur | 91 |
8 | trackrrb#3028 | barcode_vd | Necromancer | 90 |
9 | CptSunshine#7703 | Shalalala_StupidNameInc | Assassin | 90 |
10 | Demonsangel#3281 | CreatorOfOrphans | Assassin | 89 |