Dried Ruthless Gauntlet (PL42796)

Dried Ruthless Gauntlet (PL42796)

Start Time:Sep 30, 2023, 5:42:56 PM (America/New_York)
Remaining Duration:0 days 0 hours 0 minutes
End Time:Oct 20, 2023, 5:42:56 PM (America/New_York)
League Type:PoE1 PC - Ruthless Ancestor
Players:41 / 50
Increased Monster Damage II
Monsters deal 20% increased Damage.
Monsters deal 20% increased Damage.
Increased Monster Life II
Monsters have 40% more Life
Monsters have 40% more Life
Increased Monster Speed II
Monsters have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Monsters have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Increased Monster Elemental Damage II
Monsters gain 30% of Physical Damage as extra Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage
Monsters gain 30% of Physical Damage as extra Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage
Additional Monster Projectiles
Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
Increased Monster Area of Effect II
Monsters have 70% increased Area of Effect
Monsters have 70% increased Area of Effect
Reduced Player Resistances II
Players have -40% to all Resistances
Players have -40% to all Resistances
No Magic or Rare Items Drop
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.


Rank Account Character Class Level
1 oOAsdasdasdOo Guardian 83
2 weaker Elementalist 73
3 IcolloDried Elementalist 72
4 SchmoopyLALA Deadeye 71
5 revenge_of_BUTTPEE Guardian 70
6 aChaosDot Occultist 67
7 R_Stable Necromancer 64
8 R_Blapper Trickster 59
9 is_guardian_good Inquisitor 45
10 IcollaDried Ranger 41
