PvP focused expansion? So much potential!

Long time PoE player here. Absolutely love the game, but here is my opinion on what could bring this game to the next level.

I think if GGG focused on just PvP for a minor expansion/patch then PoE could really explode with tons of new players. The game would have a huge presence on twitch aswell. I could be very wrong but i feel like GGG is underestimating the potential of what a proper PvP mode would give to PoE as a whole, mostly in terms of a bigger player base.

What i mean is an actual focus on making PvP not just a thing on the side, but actually a mode that is one of the major parts of the game. It could have leader boards, seasons, a browser where players can create and and join/spectate games, user made tournaments and guild fights.

Path of Exile could in a sense be the world first Diablo like CTF "moba"-type game. If you could have a public profile with wins/losses and scores recorded it could be a very addictive and competitive mode. The top games on twitch right now is LoL, Dota2, Hearthstone, and CS:Go. All of these are strictly PvP. If PoE delivered a proper PvP experience that is equal in quality to these games then PoE could really become the next big thing.

As of now PvP seems rather tacked on, the game does not really lead the player into it and in the upcoming expansion you must use commandlines to spectate. If it was given focus for 1 large patch/expansion where it was given its own section of the game with its own menus and structure then i cant see how PoE wouldn't really become a hit on Twitch. Imagine watching the finale of a CTF tournament between the two best teams with their own sponsors and a prize-pool of thousands of dollars? I think there is a lot of potential here! :)

EDIT: Maybe i should have posted this in the suggestions forum.
Last edited by Stroggoz#2475 on Aug 19, 2014, 8:51:06 PM
When I was playing in beta, this is actually what I thought their intentions were for the game. I was imagining the same as you, a ladder and ranking system (1v1, 2v2, 5v5, CTF modes too) with possibly even the ability to play matches where you choose your own opponents but have a wager instead.
Now that guilds are in the game, this is where GvG could come in. Imagine the ability to "challenge" a guild to an XvX battle where you put in a wager of whatever items you like (currency, and/or actual equips) and if the other guild submit a wager that the challenging guild deem acceptable, the fight happens and the winners keep the items they bet and get the opposing guilds bet.

I wouldn't want PvP points to buy specific PvP items though, no. I'd hope they leave the loot finding as it is now.

Just imagine the PvP build theory crafting. No top-down ARPG has ever had GOOD PvP, then again I did really love the PvP in Diablo 2 but I'm going to be honest here I was a TPPKing little griefing asshole in that game but that kinda gameplay isn't really accepted today.

If PoE had a GOOD competitive PvP system I would bet its numbers would quadruple. Everything else about the game is absolutely perfect, I don't play much these days but I constantly check the site for any PvP updates (where the hell's cut-throat!) because as soon as there's some real PvP here me and a bunch of mates will definitely be playing a lot. Whether that be a permanent cut-throat league, or a competitive "e-sports" style PvP system.

I totally agree with you man, the potential is astonishing.

Last edited by Adam1902#7845 on Aug 19, 2014, 10:19:00 PM
I've been waiting for PVP since closed beta.

I saw this as the real Diablo 3, that would have all featured of the Diablo 2 including the PVP...

I am so disappointed ......................

I tried playing this game without PVP, but I cant get myself to bring to it....

I am still following the game and checking in hopes that perma death PVP in hardcore will happen, but so far - nothing....

Until that happens, I will not support nor spend a single cent on this game.
this is merely a crazy idea i had about how they coul make a total fair and no need for balance "arena" event... of course i'll rather hope that this kind of things if ever impleneted would happen somehow a bit more often that current race events and cut-throat ones.

Here's the post:
gon be shit and unbalanced, I promise.

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