State of Exile Episode 6: Double U

Youtube VoD:

Episode 6: The first person to reach lvl 100 in invasion Unhost, and a very talented well known racer TheUberElite, and podcast hosts ZenocideGenius, HegemonyTV, and Terrex can be found this Sunday in the State of Exile podcast! This podcast will include great discussion about the current state of Path of Exile. Topics will include overrated/underrated, descent champions discussion, everything vendor related, and RNG as a design.

Here is a link to our last State of Exile podcast with Chris Wilson!
Part 1:
Part 2:

Here are some more podcasts to enjoy of our previous episodes among other GGG podcasts:

GGG has donated 12 microtransaction vouchers to win after the podcast so make sure you stick around for the details!

Thank you guys for your continued support and being a great community. Hope to see you at the podcast!
8/8 Overachiever
Last edited by HegemonyTV#7983 on May 19, 2014, 12:59:54 AM
Come and check this out everybody, going to be lots of fun and have an awesome discussion about this amazing game. :)
Cool, I will be there. Thanks for doing this guys. It has been great so far.
Sexy studs talking about PoE. What more can you possibly want?
Sexy studs talking about PoE. What more can you possibly want?

Sexy chicks from GGG support team in between the intervals of each section with a board held up high reading "round 1".

Amazed nobody thought about this.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
The podcast is amazing, a must see!
Invite some self found players and discuss the playstyle.
i use a secret account because i am a politician that doesnt want the NSA to know i play poe.
10/10 would watch <3
Waiting what u guys have to say about d:c :D
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
damn is so hyped about the next podcast!!

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