Block Chance Reduction
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what feedback u wanna see here? IDIOTIC gem ruined non balanced pvp part of the game(nonfactor for u). Game dev , who make this shitty gem never see pvp on 90+((( U lost many top lvl pvers now.
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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Did u see 99% block penetr on Swords??? How u can do this(old block pent on swords was 80%, then u nerfed it to 55%, and now we have 99%!!!!)
1. Cup block penetr to 40-50%. Swords can choose nods or gem. or 2. Remove block pen nods from map. All have Gem only. U need to think about this and balanced this ASAP 100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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" Edit: My vote is to remove -block from the tree all together. Ive played a resolute technique sword since beta and have seen tons of success in pvp. Ive also played everything from critical/non critical casters to facebreakers to bow. I want to see the gem be the only form of -block reduction. If you decide to tone down critical multiplier to a more modest 300-400% then id agree dagger could have a shot at using this gem too. Spells like Ethereal knife/Molten/amongst others can critical 1hit kill just as often as a well geared dagger, keep that in mind. Look the gems fine, ignore all the ignorant hate. You have two angles you need to reconcider with this gem though. One being should daggers get access to this gem when in pvp they already have overly consistent 1hit kill critical damage. Two should swords have access to this gem. Should you remove the block reduction nodes from the tree leaving swords with just the gem. Or leave just the 55% tree passives. This is a tough choice because if you remove the passives it A. removes the cookie cutter aspect of going sword. Opens up more diversity and theorycrafted builds. Forces you to use the block reduction gem like everyone else. People will have to bandwagon onto something else or adapt. Either way problem solved. Sword could potentially become the weakest melee weapon type outside of aps this way (no big deal). Or you leave the passives on the tree. Sword retains gem socket freedom and just can not use the block reduction gem to redundently stack -block. Yet on the same note, you're back to the cookie cutter connect the dots approach of sword. People will likely still cry anyway, it just can't be both ways. Gem or passives have to pick one GGG. This pvp community is all about contradiction. They don't want RNG 1hit ko mechanic based 0 skill requirement duels..yet on the same note still want high critical multiplier and a plethora of other mechanics to be left alone which contribute to the very problem they didn't want in the first place. They don't want people bypassing their block chance, yet want to bypass everyone elses. The list goes on but you get the point. Certain things are flat out broken, we all get that. Righteous fire and block are a good example. There was only one, one dimensional counter to either of these builds and thats just bad design. They've since been fixed and pvp is honestly sitting in the best place its ever been. Some things have a work around and some didn't (like puncture,traps,blind etc....everyone regardless of build can deal with them), just need to put in the effort. The gem was a great edition, just re-think what weapon types should have access to it and why. If people are going to quit the game / pvp over this gems implementation, well they weren't as "top" as they thought they were. Outside of dagger and sword crying, there is nothing but positives to this gem. I hope they make this much of a swift impact balancing other crap in the future. Heres to hoping one day we see a pvp where no one is carried by bull shit, instead smart mechanic useage/gear choices/player = legitimate wins/losses. In the mean time appreciate the fact you can now use every spell/weapon type and land a hit, just watch out for 1hit criticals. Btw... Old block penetration was 100% not 80% and was rightfully balanced at 55% which gets you a mixed bag of hits/blocks vs dedicated blockers. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Apr 9, 2014, 10:29:43 PM
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it was 95% not 80 and not 100 i think , dont have screen of 0.11.x
so sword balance is easy ,remove nods OR cup stat at 40-55%, but crit dagger is out of balance now at all. If crit dmg cup in pvp(ONLY pvp not PVE) to 200-may be 300% (need tests)we got good balance in all weapons. I think. 100lvl mele pvp QUIT Last edited by Jedi_blr#7847 on Apr 9, 2014, 4:08:12 PM
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" Was 3x 15% nodes in the sword cluster on the marauder tree + 15% duelist and 40% ranger. 100%, may of only displayed 95. I never went above 80ish IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Apr 9, 2014, 4:09:09 PM
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maybe i miss some old info, it was on 0.x.x in 1.0.0 they rebuild tree
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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Gem is fine, but I think you may need to reduce the sword block passives since this gem is out now.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
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Sword block nodes are perfectly fine post 1.2. Leave the gem and tree alone numerically. I was wanting to suggest making the whole block reduction mechanic flat reduction, versus the now multiplicative. Though that leads to a big issue when you add the gem to a sword who has the passives as well. So either A. Leave everything where it is now after 1.2 because it works fine. Or B. Make it a flat reduction similar to fire/cold/light penetration and make it so swords can't use the gem, only benefit from the tree passives (which too would be flat reduction and maybe match a 20/20 gem numerically *hint). Overall B. Results in better reduction for everyone equally. Seen as how blocks still veeery strong, I vote B. Its not game breaking and its fair.
IGN: MullaXul
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I would like to know if the passives and them gem remove a flat amount of block chance or their %block penetration is multiplied with the actual block chance and then that is removed from the original block chance.
So does block penetration works multiplicative or additive ? I need an asnwer from a dev please to be totally sure about it. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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