GH nerf LOL are you kidding?

I understand that GH is powerful in cutthroat but when players go into organized pvp it usually barely stands a chance especially with all the counters that are EASY to acquire and hardly take up room and to top it off, to switch out it literally takes 5 seconds of clicking once you notice your opponent is using GH.

30% less overall raw damage? You cant reduce the chill effects or make it 40% cold damage conversion? You guys better be nerfing other areas hard because you are hitting builds in organized pvp that are not a problem.

Lower the damage at low I am sure GH is not too strong in cutthroat at higher lvls. Yes at lvl ONE-fifteen. You guys waited so long to balance pvp, I thought you guys were thinking hard and trying to find a solution to make it fun. Looks like your team is looking for quick fixes and isn't seeing the whole picture (I imagine from lack of actually testing)

Where does 30% come from? Sword builds in lld are doing like 3-5k dps, and naturally with tree nodes
reducing block chance, where as gear I have collected for a serious Glacial Hammer build which is FAR better than the sword gear I am comparing this too is doing like 2.6k. 30% of 2.6k on a godly built GH is now going to be 780 less damage putting it at 1820. This is pitiful dps in organized pvp. I almost do that much with a non crit elemental bow build....which is laughable.

I talk about LLD because its what I am familiar with, but when it comes to High Level Dueling in organized manners how often do u see someone complaining about GH? In all my time on these forums I have not seen one person complain about it in pvp feedback.

you guys should take a look at RF again too, its literally a joke at lvl 28 pvp. It use to be somewhat cool but now I have seen players sustain RF at lvl 28 permanently which is impressive, but whats not impressive is the damage. Literally could do more damage punching people with iron rings on and empty gloves slot. I throw a totem down on character with low fire res and no life regen previously and stand in the enemies RF laughing. I dont even know what to say at this point. Stack your damn dev team with community testers...theres dozens of people willing to do the math and provide the evidence for you and show you the areas in pvp that need to be worked on but they never get developed. They give you the feedback and the numbers on the forums but go unnoticed and unanswered.

Your team is doing ONE thing right that I can see. Its creating Sub pvp gems to PvE. Everyone knew this had to be done from the start. Read the forums, I imagine you guys missed alot of useful feedback while trying to think of which footprint you can sell next.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Apr 7, 2014, 7:52:10 PM
Yeah I agree, the nerf was clearly for cutthroat so they should've found a better solution that didn't involve messing with it in regular PvP.
Last edited by Enzyme#0250 on Apr 7, 2014, 9:48:46 PM
Summary why they didn't add chill efficiency:

"We got Kiwi Pride, we will never do what the community suggests, we can do better, our balance is perfect"

This change won't even affect CT because it does nothing against Freeze mechanics which are the major issue of Glacial Hammer.

You can't relocate yourself in CT.
You can't move.
You can't attack.

That's the GH problem nothing else.

I talk about LLD because its what I am familiar with, but when it comes to High Level Dueling in organized manners how often do u see someone complaining about GH? In all my time on these forums I have not seen one person complain about it in pvp feedback.

Of course not because everybody will be one shot before a glacial hammer can hit ;D

This affects me as a gh user pvp. If they could scale things in pvp, they could also look into some of the dot & crit because those are in need of serious scaling.
+1. Very well said.
S1 Europe LLD champion :)

As I have mentioned like 5 times now... One of the reason Glacial Hammer is strong in CT is because of its "delayed hit" time compared to Heavy Strike, where it is possible to hit enemies that are a half screen away. Glacial Hammer also seems to cause 2 people to kill each other at once (More than other skills like Heavy Strike.) because of this bug. This bug has to be fixed first before nerfing GH. I played the 12 hour cutthroat, and I reached a point where I switched to Heavy Strike because people had resists, but no, the fucking Heavy Strike does not have this bug, so I switchted to GH Again, just so I could benefit from this "Commando Range" bug, where people get chilled randomly out of nowhere, or frozen out of nowhere. I would have died easily in the race if this bug was not present.

Seriously the skill is frikn bugged, dont nerf it WITHOUT fixing this lame range bug. It is EXTREMELY noticeable to switch from Glacial Hammer to Heavy Strike in PvP aleready. Most of the kills i,ve seen with Glacial Hammer in CT are obivious, random, commando range "desynch" hits that just... I dont know why no else seems to notice this bullcrap. Glacial Hammer is op at catching people that run away, not at killing, (In long term) which is also why it is "OP" The chill and freeze will be strong for a long time, but this makes a long term Glacial Hammer build unviable, IN LONG TERM, but not on short term, which is just bullshit. I really tried to hit someone with Heavy Strike, but for that you must have Flicker Strike, which you cant get as a Templar unless it drops, for that you must play duelist, which is also a nice spec.

I remmember I once killed someone with Glacial Hammer, WHO was not even on my screen anymore because he ran away, and just got hitted by a random Glacial Hammer hit that "Missed" at first attempt, but then hit him like 7 seconds later and he dies randomly. Fix plz.

Also, I dont get why the skill is nerfed because of short term cutthroat. I mean, that Hurts PvP, and Glacial Hammer wont be op in cutthroat from level 1 to 100, especialy not if this commando range bug is fixed. At least fix the bug before nerfing, instead of nerfing and not fixing bug.

Yeah wtf. Never even seen a GH user in Merci PVP. Sucks.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
so I was wrong. GH tooltip wont display the dps difference but he did lose dps on the tool tip after the nerf somehow.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Apr 10, 2014, 9:37:31 AM
I just dueled the GH build I built and now with the 30% raw damage nerf GH suffers GREATLY in lvl 28 pvp. Its like night and day seriously. GGG change the scaling for lvl 28 nerf and higher please, it needs to be specifically for cutthroat and not affect organized pvp. This makes GH unplayable in LLD lvl 28 pvp. When I would duel this GH build I put all the best gear on it and used a build that the GH counters mostly...GH still gets killed 5-0 and it use to atleast get like 2 or 3 kills if lucky before the nerf. I dont even have to pot vs the use to be glacial hammer lvl 28 twink god build. Its a joke : ( I really liked how much utility the build had before.

ALSO, if you guys are going to be doing pvp specific damage nerfs on certain skills there ABSOLUTELY needs to be a pvp dps tool tip so people can compare a more realistic read out on their pvp build.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Apr 10, 2014, 9:44:43 AM
Sad to hear that bad news. Since i have left the pvp scene for a bit now to wait for a serious balance or tournamentupdate, i realized that nothing changed to the better, only to a worse case. Whats wrong with you GGG. Im not the only one who is disappointed by you regards to the developement of the pvp area.
GrindcoreThrall bro im checking the forums nearly everyday, if something changes i will be back.
But the news are so frustratzing to hear it makes me so sad. I hope the best. See ya.
=Licht ist Leben=

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