Character cost

Thought it would be an interesting concept for pvp'ers to post up their characters current cost in exalts. Add league/level/item/cost. This is just a for shits and grins type of thread. You don't need to participate and you certainly don't need to show up bitching and moaning.

I'll start:


Gear hasn't changed with the exception of my weapon since beta.

Sword - 290Ex
Armor - 24Ex
Helmet - 2Ex
Belt - 12Ex
Boots - 14Ex
Amulet - 5Ex
Rings/Gloves - self found

Total: 347Ex

Hp: 10700 and change
Mana: Irrelevant
Dps: 50k+
Main skill: Cyclone

Edit: Liked Dominations addition of a brief stat summary so I'll add that too.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 13, 2014, 2:17:15 PM
MullaXul wrote:
show up bitching and moaning.

I'll start:


Gear hasn't changed with the exception of my weapon since beta.

Sword - 290Ex
Armor - 24Ex
Helmet - 2Ex
Belt - 12Ex
Boots - 14Ex
Amulet - 5Ex
Rings/Gloves - self found

Total: 347Ex

isn't that what you do lol
Last edited by LuffyTheGreatzz#2644 on Mar 13, 2014, 1:14:39 PM
so rich
👱‍♀️ IGN: FamilyStrokes 💘
Mirror Shop:
Jimicui wrote:
so rich

Not even close.

See this thread quickly turned into a trolls nesting ground.
IGN: MullaXul

If i base it on the value of each item in my pvp settup it would be:

Head: 140 Exa
Chest: 250 Exa
Belt: Mirror
Shield: 2 Exa
Gloves: 25 Exa
Boots: 30 Exa
Wand: 2 Exa
Ring1: 20 Exa
Ring2: 3 Exa
Ring3: 10 Exa
Amulet: 25 Exa

Gems: 48 Exa

Caster build

Total: 763 Exa

Accumulation from 2011-2014
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 13, 2014, 2:09:52 PM
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Mar 13, 2014, 2:07:02 PM
Good idea to introduce ourselves to PVP community by this way!

IGN: SixPacks (RF build, retired since RF got nerfed and felt lazy to change build)

Armour: Legacy Kaoms (bought for only 35 ex and have been using until now).
Weapons: Searing Touch 5L (5 ex) + Rise of the Phoenix (self-found)
Helm, Gloves, Boots, Rings, Amulets, Belt,...: (Life + dual Res) type (self-found)

Total: 40 ex. RF is such a pretty cheap build, I like it no matter what happens (as long as I still can kill monsters haha).

[Removed by Support]
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Mar 13, 2014, 2:34:58 PM
lvl 88 maruader

heavystrike pvp : 2h build

2h sword 160ex mirror
leg koam - 80ex got it when it was cheap
boot 10ex
glove 12ex
ring 20ex
ring 2ex
helm 20ex
ammy 2ex
belt 30ex

hp 6.6k
mana : 532
dps : 58k

total ex spent : 334ex
level 28 scion

Sword - self found
Shield - 1 chaos
Armor - self found
Helmet - 2 chaos
Belt - 1 chaos
Boots - 1 exalt
Amulet - 7 exalts (astramentis)
Rings - 1 chaos, 1 chaos
Bow on swap - 3 chaos
Quiver on swap - self found (broadstroke)

then about 6-7 20q gems and a level 2 empower/enhance

1371 life

this thread should be fun to cite in the future

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