Things to improve in the Sarn Arena

Sarn Arena is great, but I'd add/change a few things:

- It would be nice to have some easy way to tell how may people are in the arena at any time.
- Pots should refill after each respawn. Currently, people just leave the arena and re-enter to refill their pots each time they die, which is stupid and annoying.
- A kill counter would be nice - perhaps if there was a HUD at the top of the screen for your kills/deaths, who's on a killing spree, number of players in the arena, etc.
- The level cap for Normal should really be 28, not 40. While you're at it make it 60 for Cruel and unlimited for Merc.
- BONUS! There is also some discussion in this thread regarding queuing up for pvp matches that GGG has provided feedback on. See posts below.

I'm sure other people have ideas too; post away.
Last edited by Fightgarr#3134 on Jul 6, 2014, 5:55:35 PM
Good ideas

add the obvious "slain by xxxxx"
IGN: MullaXul
Yup ide say all but the HUD idea should have been implemented from the start. just shows how much GGG cares about pvp. prolly had one dude work on ffa arena for like an hour. didn't even test it when he was finished.
Last edited by Gjohny#1714 on Mar 10, 2014, 9:45:02 PM
agreed with fightgar man! good points.

I take back all my previous nay saying about the arena being lvl 40. I actually think its a good thing now. Thank you GGG for a cool arena! even though it takes alot of the players effort to organize and have a ffa its alot easier to do than the pvp arena queue.

I ACTUALLY LIKE LVL 40 CAP NOW. Let me explain why, LvL 40 allows players who are lvling to try out some things in arena. They might be a little over powered compared to lvl 28s or underpowered because lack of build focus but its another body in the arena when you are bored and just want some chaos. Seriously with the PvP queues crashing and people being kicked offline and not being able to regroup it makes the arena hard to organize. With the FFA u dont have to be in group to enter the fray again and u can find the same instance and go back at it. I like how big the lvl is, I like the shrine, I like the multiple entrances and elevated pyramid like middle structure! We had some great for fun skirmishes today and look forward to pwning some lvl 40s lmfao ; )

Thanks ggg, its a step in the right direction. Although I dont think this fixes pvp its defnitely a REALLY nice addition! If the game didnt have this for its entire existence I would be very sad. Now lets hope for tournaments to start with season 7!
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Some form of matchmaking would be nice. Basically you fight in a FFA instance within 5 levels of your character. I just got stomped by another who was 10 levels higher. Countdown to start fighting too. How many fighters are present.
Last edited by wr11235#2477 on Jan 31, 2019, 1:40:38 AM
Don't know about you guys but one of the most fun things I find currently is stomping lvl40 players with my 28 LLD char!

I agree it needs some sort of scoreboard.

I don't like the refill suggestion, neither do I like people running around refilling. A good pvper should not rely on pots, I mean you should know when to use what pot, right? I know some builds, crit in particular that spams their 1use diamond flask and atziri's promise and then after a death/kill they refill their pots, that's not real pvp is it?
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:
I don't like the refill suggestion, neither do I like people running around refilling. A good pvper should not rely on pots, I mean you should know when to use what pot, right? I know some builds, crit in particular that spams their 1use diamond flask and atziri's promise and then after a death/kill they refill their pots, that's not real pvp is it?

they are not real pvpers either
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
It would be cool if there was a King of the Hill game mode for Sarn Arena. Player who stays mid while a timer counts down to 0 wins. Leaving arena = timer restarts.

It would also be cool if killing players granted you exp... and if a player is killed multiple times within a short time span he gets a debuff where he can no longer grant any exp to his opponent.
Team Omniscient

Last edited by yardiegamer#3751 on Jun 24, 2014, 6:17:47 PM

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