Since the nerf on RF, RF is barely a harm to people in pvp anymore nor doing good in pve.
Is it necessary has to be like this? RF from OP to a joke for pvpers? This has gone way too far. This game has many players with many pvp builds. You just cant save some by killings the others! I am very angry when being one shot by puncture trappers and fire ball miners, but those builds keep being buffed to able to ONE SHOT FOR SURE. Is this fair? I am very angry when EK shavronne spell keeps being so strong that it instant kill people in 1-2 shot if they cant block the spell. I am very mad about mirror swords that tear people a part in few second. It is like smashing a kid. U feel like a hero when smashing a noob with your precious sword? ARE THOSE BUILDS NOT OP? You should consider yourself OP if u r in one of those top tier builds. You just dont accept the fact that only RF can counter you. And now RF is dead, you r the next to be nerfed. Again: This game will never be balance if you save some by killing some. You getta save all! Please dont put any comment if that is offended. This is just a feedback! And please being polite. Last edited by behakungfu#2429 on Mar 7, 2014, 9:45:15 PM
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rf was too overpower everyone knows it just because you play rf and get kill dosent mean you are the top rf, top rf can kill people less then a second
ek/meelee sword users takes 2-4 second to kill is better then a 1second rf kills. ggg did the right choice by nerfing rf in pvp many people are happy with the change maybe you can try a new build rather than staying rf all the time. |
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" At least RF could be countered easily by experienced PVPers. There are plenty of skills that can one shot you if supported correctly. They should have nerfed that before RF. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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and what skill kill rf top pvpers?
all the top rf pvpers 1 shot all the other top skill players from what it seems like and yea ggg already nerf it thers no need for me to post any more nonsense the whole community knows that rf is broken only some rf user think that is not because they just want to use it still its for pve not meant for pvp Last edited by keyboardell#1204 on Mar 7, 2014, 10:48:12 PM
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Those are the skills that kill top RFers: Mostly one shot and / or in the time of fire flasking.
Trap/mine puncture - critical mirrored bow harbinger. Trap/mine fire ball Shavronne wrapping high spell damage and critical. Trap/mine Ethereal Knife. 1 handed mirrored sword melee cyclone + rise of phoenix shield + fire flask. Mirror dagger multi flicker strike + rise of phoenix shield + fire flask. Puncture mirror dagger high critical. Dont tell me that those skills do not kill other builds in 1-2 sec! You may not read my post very carefully. I do not against the point where GGG nerf the RF. I do object how bad they nerf it. RF is useless in pvp now, not as a kill skill anymore, but more like a buff skill for more spell damage. So where is the point of balancing the skill? It is unable to kill with RF now! And who ever use it get a laugh from others into their face, are you happy with that? "pianokingx3 wrote: RF was nerfed way too hard. I barely do any damage on someone with 75% fire resist. " Grildrak wrote: I think they really over did it. I can tank RF with my glass cannon for ages now. Not really fair for the RFers to have the build totally destroyed in pvp. " MrDigital wrote: " Grildrak wrote: I think they really over did it. I can tank RF with my glass cannon for ages now. Not really fair for the RFers to have the build totally destroyed in pvp. They annoyed us in PVP with this lazy crap. Now please fix traps/mines oneshot damage and DOT of puncture. Then we can fight, not only useing bullshit. I know you have a other position of this, but this is my position. Both have the right to say it. "pianokingx3 wrote: Who is we? What about THEM? " keyboardell wrote: rf was too overpower everyone knows it just because you play rf and get kill dosent mean you are the top rf, top rf can kill people less then a second ek/meelee sword users takes 2-4 second to kill is better then a 1second rf kills. ggg did the right choice by nerfing rf in pvp many people are happy with the change maybe you can try a new build rather than staying rf all the time. "me wrote: """""""""""""""""""""""You can't satisfy some one by giving up on others! """""""""""""""""""""""This game isn't just about you dude! |
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Thank god, no longer need players with no brain winning in less than a second
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" no. maybe they counter average rf'ers, but when you go against a 12k es with max block / spell block tell me how a fire ball or a cyclone can kill a rf. if you didnt get 100% fire res with gear + flask they will just kill you in 1-2 sec, even with 99% fire resist. hauntworld himself told this, that with the right gear rf was too much OP. and anyway ES rf'ers still do pretty high amount of dmg. the nerf is right, cause ppl with almost no gear could just do full life passive tree and wear life +2 res gear + kaoms and have 8k hp with insane dmg too easy. PvP Team Omniscient
IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] |
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How was it nerfed exactly?
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" It has been nerfed to the point where a 8K life RF lv 95 mara kill a lv 72 shadow with 75 res in 20 sec. That is a joke right? I would say i can kill him in less than a sec before the nerf. And he has around 3k life max. I would expect like 4 sec or so at least. And just imagine how much time needed to kill a 8k life cyclone sword mara? U would be dead at that time! Last edited by behakungfu#2429 on Mar 8, 2014, 7:15:50 AM
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" Dont get me wrong. The passive skill tree has been reworked, there are not many hp nodes for you to take as a mara. There are not many 8k hp mara running around to deal that insane damage any more. And yet, I did make a post about HP base RF vs ES base RF. The thing that make u think RF is OP is the ES base RF. Hp base RF is not that good compare to ES RF. And what? Hp base RF is nerfed worse than ES base. This is not fair. I do not against the RF nerf. I just cant accept how bad it is nerfed. OMG dude, why u just dont understand? RF is OP, exactly is ES base RF. And now how bad it is: I am 95 lv mara, kill a 72 lv shadow with 75% fire res in 20 sec, he let me kill him, he doesn't run! Are u serious? how much life do u think that shadow has? |
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