Welcome to D3 1/2 IM DONE!!!!!!!
Incoming ban on me for for this rant no doubt.
Rly dont care anymore Not like GGG ever looks at this side of the forums though.... Sarn arena Was fun for a little while but got old really fast. Pvp vets smashed on noobs. Awesome......this is barely a step above that CTF thing Im so sick of being dragged along inch by inch through this waist of time. I spent so long getting pvp gear together because i saw potential in this game to be fun and competitive. GGG....you guys have fucked this game up so hard. srsly. You did exactly what D3 did. Made it look pretty and said screw the gameplay. Im pretty sure 50% of the players here migrated from D3 because this game WAS what D3 should have been. Now history repeats itself.. The Sarn Arena was such a half assed, rushed, and disappointing excuse for a pvp update.... My retarded dog can find a graphic design program and make this in an hour... such a slap in the face. This is what was just said "without words" to all the PVP players of poe who have been waiting. #1-They have never even attempted any sort of pvp update. #2-The only reason they threw this crap together was to shut us up on the forums. Even though these are feedback forums and there are never any GGG responses. It honestly tells me personally that you don't care at all about your fans. and that you guys dont even care about the game anymore. its all just a "hype fest" aimed towords pathetic no lives going into credit card debt buying your stupid MICrotransactions. I have enough Android aps that try that shit on me. I'm good Here is a nice Conspiracy Theory for you guys. Updating PVP would not be profitable for this company. Simple as that. I will bet all my 28 gear that statistics show that a majority of the players who do maps and other PVE buy microtransactions more than The pvp guys "Weekenders" that dont really care about that stuff. You guys started realizing that you were actually making some cash and you ran with it. Resulting in a game that (Looks pretty) but everything else has been put on the back burner. Its sad as hell because this game had so much potential not just in pvp but all around. I tried and tried so hard to give this game a chance. But instead of pulling your heads out of your ass you just threw some more astroglide on that thing and now you got a neckbeard made of butt-hole hair.. ---END RANT--- IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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I could have not said it better OP.
100% agree with you and I am in the same boat, I am going to look for another game that may satisfy my PVP needs | |
I feel disappointed as well. We ask for something, anything for serious PvP and instead we get a FFA arena and no mention of ladders/tournaments. Clearly even GGG do not regard the new free-for-all as anything serious, as their own wording was "It's great for filling a few spare minutes with action.". This wouldn't be nearly as bad if a developer would comment to tell us what their priorities/thoughts are, but they've said basically nothing on the topic of competitive PvP, ever.
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I like the ffa arena idea, and glad cutthroat is back but seriously the lvl 40 cap made me so sad. I know u dont want to cater to lvl 28 forever but what GGG doesnt realize is the following for lvl 28 is pretty big but not even big enough to function effectively with how this game is set up. Now GGG wants to try and start a new division? I dont think I will be buying lvl 40 gear to make a pvper, I will just use my lvl 28s and repeatedly say "hey I did pretty good for lvl 28 right?" and they enemies will troll and be like "ya dawg u almost won, REEEEEEEPLOLOLOLTROLOLOL!"
Seriously change the cap to 28 and make a new division in cruel difficulty and open for merciless. Pretty damn sure thats what we all expected and if you have not noticed....our minds are not blown by this really cool lvl 40 cap. This is constructive criticism just because its aggressive doesnt mean its not valid. I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/346754 PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug |
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They have nothing to say because they literally have nothing for us its pathetic
Whoever is in charge up there doesnt want them talking about pvp with us for some reason. There have been tons of negative feedback on PVP from us With no response from the DEVS. i know im not the only one fed up. alot of active players have already quit. I only came back for the "tournaments" LOL If they made the game the way it should have been, then i would have gladly payed $60 for it. $30 for another Expansion. They Funded with Micros and now they are in too deep and that is their primary objective. The reason why this game sux now is probably because whoever is in charge of finances messed up. They spent too much of their funds from micros on BS like making the graphics nicer and whatnot. This game was 10X more fun when the graphics were shitty and they diddnt come out with a million Skill gems and uniques every week just to nerf them because it was rushed and not balances at all. I get it idiots like shiny nice graphics. These types of players play the game. and generally quit after a short time till the nexy shiny thing comes out. BAD MARKETING. The best marketing technique for video game devs is to make a good game..with playability above all else. Not to mention competitiveness is the #1 thing that gives any game playability. "PVP" Pretty sure people read the forums before they try the game. These retards @ GGG fucked their fans over hard and now eveyone is gonna rage on the forums. Not only are they losing customers but also future customers. Nobody will even remember griding gear games 5 years from now because they took a dump on their fans. Before the end of the year, only the DIE HARD fans will remain. Game is dead IGN Oprahs_Gynecologist
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FFA Pvp is great. Continued support to further balance gems and ONE DAY actually fix block (not the uniques) will put us right where we needed to be. New tree sucks ass at first glance but I appreciate the less cookie cutter approach you're forced to take now, its a good thing overall. This game could crash/burn and suck the most dick you've ever seen.....but it'll still NEVER be on the same level of shitty as Diablo3. Games and shit go hand in hand now adays just like dumb and useless people do. This game and its devs are not in that catagory. I felt fucked and like my entire time was wasted playing this game, this patch re instilled some faith and I can say I actually care to play again. So for now no more apathy im playing this like it has a purpose again.
IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 5, 2014, 11:04:01 PM
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" I guess GGG will run you out with the next "mini expansion" This one was good nuff for me | |
" I've come and gone, I know what you're getting at. Pvp is still jacked up and needs some real attention but FFA > arenas so its a win in my book. IGN: MullaXul
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Oh wow.
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After 1.1 pvp is pointless like it was before.
You could have done very well with 1/1000 the resources you use for pve. I just cannot understand why... is the pvp player base so small that it doesn't need any attention at all? Just out of curiosity I think this sadly ends my $$$ support to the game, even if pve is really great, it simply fails at pvp so much that's embarassing IGN: TANte_bestie - Timezone: GMT +1 Last edited by sultilan#4155 on Mar 6, 2014, 5:56:39 AM
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