Suggestion - PvP Axe/Mace Passive Nodes + Ez Fix to RF

So Sword is obv #1 choice for pvp because of anti block nodes. Its kinda unfair that sword is the only weapon type with pvp-only nodes.

This is just a rough idea i haven't put much thought into it, that's ggg's job.

Mace - "40% Chance To Ignore all Damage Reduction Against Players"

Axe - "20% Chance to Crit Against Players"?

Staff - "40% Chance To Attack Twice Against Players"?

Ide say 3x Nodes of each type just like Sword nodes. (10,10,20) / (5,5,15)
A Total of 40% would be fair considering 75% block - 55% (3x sword nodes)= 41% Chance to hit.

And For RF Just add a "Damage Effectiveness Against Players is 25%" to the gem itself. This could be done to all gems to balance skills in pvp.
Last edited by Gjohny#1714 on Jan 18, 2014, 12:03:38 PM
Think you're giving sword way too much credit, resulting in suggesting incredibly ridiculous buffs to the other 2 weapon types. Axes are obviously meant to be focus'd on criticals and utmost damage potential. Maces are stun and staves are an impressive combination of critical potential,stun and block. Of all of these weapon types none of them should be taking RT ideally to bring out their full potential. Sword is overall the lowest dps of the 3 based on the fact you SHOULD be taking RT thus lowering your killing potential but leaving no gambling on the table. This isn't a bias post or underplaying swords. Its just how it is, criticals > block . Block > RT non sword. Evasion > Criticals, Criticals > Unwavering stance. RT > Evasion. Blind > Criticals. Criticals > armor. Unwavering stance > Stun. Axe = criticals just look at the tree its obvious. Mace = stun, again obvious. Staff is the best pvp weapon type over all, sword trailing second, axe third and mace last. You can argue a well played critical axe can match sword but its undeniable that staff has the most going for it of any 2h melee weapon type. Staff/Mace beat people that can be stunned + if they can't be stunned they likely have US so you can critical them free. Axe similar situation, sword is only the "better" option against someone with a shield (they still block and anvil/aegis are still a threat) also like I said its less overall true dps (physical dmg) vs everyone else.

If your arguement is primarily for 1handers then you should be also questioning why a rapier type 1h sword has the same range as a 2h axe and longer range then any other weapon including non 2h axes. I'll agree 1h sword/shield is the best pvp build in the game if arguement is pertaining to 1h weapon types.

The RF change makes sense, you wouldn't want to ruin its use in pvm but it needs some form of tweak in effectiveness in pvp.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jan 18, 2014, 3:57:58 PM
I dont think they are incredibly ridiculous buffs for pvp considering the sword buff is pretty ridiculous. My numbers might be, someone would have to find a balance. My idea's even might be pretty bad ones. My main point is sword has a pretty ridiculous buff for pvp and all other weapon types are left out. Like you said maces are stun, staves are combo of crit/stun/block, axes are crit, sword is attack speed. A 40% chance to hit (considering vs max block) paired with the swords amazing attack speed is ridiculously good and everyone would agree the best and only way to go if you want to win in high lvl pvp.

I agree with gggs decision on rapiers range. i mean they are rapiers, they are long. imo all two handed weapons should be increased to a range of 8 (one above rapier) or even 7 to match them -

And yea weapon buffs will affect 1handed/shield users and 2handed users differently but a top geared 2handed user vs top geared 1handed/shield would never win without some buffs, 2handers have a huge downside in pvp.. no block.

Last edited by Gjohny#1714 on Jan 18, 2014, 1:22:44 PM
I have already made a post like this in the past, I will find it to show you.

I tried to come up with ideas that would make each item useful instead of a dps race.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Jan 19, 2014, 8:39:37 PM
I personally feel -block should be a universal thing for 2h only. 2h weapons of all types should have a % chance to break block. There should be a cluster specific to this for 2h, removing the "sword" clusters. Or retaining the 15% "sword" node below duelist while adding the 2h specific one but removing the 40% "sword" cluster by ranger. 2h's retain all of their current perks and then get a 30-40% block break cluster. 1h swords would be in the neighborhood of 15%, 2h mace/staff/axe 30-40% and 2h sword 45-55% ( or 30-40% if you removed the sword specific nodes all together ). But I feel given the perks of the other 2h weapon types the 2h sword should still get slightly higher -block and 1h swords shouldn't get entirely shafted. So retaining a small % for sword specific would make sense.

Oh and I get the Rapier having longer reach then other 1h weapons. It just shouldn't have longer reach then ANY 2h.

All in all though the reason other weapon types seem to be disgarded as not as pvp viable is because of block. If unwavering stance didn't exist mace/staff would > sword via stun lock and critical burst dmg. But axes lack such a perk they are meant for straight dmg,critical no bull shit play and a simple tweaking of block would level the field for every weapon type. Therees too many variables involved to go adding new keystones with crazy traits to somehow acheive the same goal. You have uniques,skills,supports and the match ups ingeneral. What if the guy you're fighting actually doesn't have a shield? Well instantly the balance shifts back to you > him. If you got some new perk that allows you to hit 2x randomly or say backstab the guy for xx increased dmg, shit goes even further down hill. These problems persist for bow aswell, thats why everyones EA or puncture (don't need to shoot repeatidly eating tempest shield reflect or healing them if aegis/anvil). You don't see good ROA or Barrage or any other bow type skills in the arena for this reason. Fix block = fix's pvp.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jan 19, 2014, 8:12:40 AM
MullaXul wrote:

From the Chris Wilson interview (with Hegemony and Aux) I got the impression that Block in general is going to get nerfed.

That being said, having used Sword/Board, 2H, and a half dozen other variations, I can get behind your suggestions.
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster;
And treat those two impostors just the same,
-Ruyard Kipling, "If"
go back to Grindocre's old topic that he linked here. discuss there,

good start of ideas man
100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
there needs to be a universal dmg penalty in pvp, like 50%. And crit has to be 50-75% effectiveness, so 900 crit multi becomes 450-675 crit multi f.x. ... and it can be capped too, like for example its capped at 400% crit multi and if someone has exactly 400, he receives no penalty then.
Last edited by ancalagon3000#6581 on Jan 19, 2014, 10:55:53 AM
Banditje wrote:
go back to Grindocre's old topic that he linked here. discuss there,

good start of ideas man

Link the topic.
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster;
And treat those two impostors just the same,
-Ruyard Kipling, "If"
GrindcoreTHRALL wrote:
I have already made a post like this in the past, I will find it to show you.

I tried to come up with ideas that would make each item useful instead of a dps race.

this one
100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC

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