Races and Rubberbanding - How to deal?

Yes, I am here because I just lost three characters in a race to rubber banding. I won't throw a fit, or complain about how GGG needs to fix servers, or whatever. I'm sure they understand the frustration that can amount, and are doing anything they can to fix it on their side. This thread is intended to be a couple questions about dealing with rubber banding resulting from desyncs, and hopefully a collection of advice to help deal with it.

As said, three characters in the last 100 min signature to rubber bands. This is frustrating to the point of unplayable, which is not something I want to accept, because I absolutely love this game, as well as racing in it.

Are desyncs, and the resulting rubber bands, more frequent in races? Is this a result of servers working overtime? How can this be minimized by the player, or do we just hope for the best?

I have a /oos macro bound to a key, and use it frequently whenever I'm clearly out of sync. This has resolved some problems, and saved my life on a few occasions, but it just doesn't seem to be enough when racing. It has a CD, and in this particular race, it would literally only take me another 2 seconds to be back out of sync.

Is there anything a user can do connection side? I've got a fi-op internet connection, and run an average 50ms in every game. Running a speedtest diagonally across two countries (Eastern Canada to South-western USA) never results in a ping above 100ms. I find it hard to believe that it could be a strict latency thing my side, but if there's some settings I can change to get a better connection, and minimize desyncs/rubber bands, I'd be more than willing to play around with it.

Lastly, any advice from people who have been racing a while? I started literally in the last week of Season 5, and I've done plenty of practicing since, but none of the seems to matter when desync issues become 3-4x as bad when a race begins.

Thanks for the time of anyone willing to help me out/get involved with this touchy and horribly frustrating topic.
Last edited by Glide#6314 on Jan 10, 2014, 4:26:19 PM
Create an /oos macro and be ready to hit it often.
With experience you learn when the deadliest desyncs are happening or are about to happen, and timely application of said macro tends to see you through 95% of the time.
What boof said. You will learn when the desynce often happens. Some skills are worse than others and some monsters (quick) are worse than others. Holding <shift> down on most attacks where you do not intend to run/follow/move before the attack itself is also a good idea. If you
do not, and the monster you are clicking is somewhere else on the server than on your screen, you will run to it on the server anyway. This can cause some weird teleports to places you have not even been at yet.

Also, as you said yourself, /oos has a cooldown. I believe it is 10 seconds. So do not use it unless it is necessary
if you race/play enough i think youll eventually figure out when and how you desync. i used to die alot back in days. past 2 seasons i only recall 2-3 times i died solely to almost unavoidable desync rather than being complete retard and running into situation where the probability of desync occuring is 99,9%
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unsane wrote:

Was expecting to get rickrolled by that link for some reason.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.

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